

Agricultural and food economics


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Admissions and enrolment
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-69 (Scienze e tecnologie agrarie) - LM-70 (Scienze e tecnologie alimentari)

Key factors of the MSc in Agricultural and Food Economics

The school.
The course is organised in the context of the SMEA Graduate School of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC). The School has more than 30 years of experience in graduate education in the field of agricultural and food economics and business. It is part of the Postgraduate School’s System of UCSC, a recognition of the institute’s excellence in university education.

The method.
You will experience an intensive teaching activity with active in-class participation, a direct interaction with the faculty members, and a constant relationships with academics, companies, and stakeholders of the agricultural and food supply chain.

The university network.
The MSc also promotes a study experience at a foreign university within the UCSC network. Selected students can spend one or two semesters of the second year of the MSc at a partner university in Europe, Australia or North America.

The uniqueness.
The MSc in Agricultural and Food Economics at UCSC is the only Italian MSc programme in the agri-business area entirely taught in English.

The results. 
The school, the method, the university network, together with motivation and commitment of the student, help to obtain good academic results and a strong position in the job market.

The certification.
The MSc in Agricultural and Food Economics is certified by ASFOR - the Italian Association for Management Education Development.