
Faculty of: ECONOMIA



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2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-77 (Scienze economico-aziendali)

Professor David Littlewood is the new visiting professor of Corporate Governance of the Master of Science in Management. He is an associate Professor in Strategic Management at Sheffield University in the UK. He conducts research on social entrepreneurship, corporate responsibility, and the informal economy, which have been published in various academic journals.  
He is co-leading the course of Corporate governance and social responsibility in which are addressed questions related to the role of business in society. The meaning and practice of corporate social responsibility globally, effective and ethical corporate governance, positive organisation-stakeholder relationships, and new sustainable business models are the major areas of interest, which are discussed through the use of case studies and examples.

Prof. Littlewood decided to join the Master of Science as a visiting professor since “Università Cattolica has a strong reputation globally for the quality of its research and teaching, and its wider positive impacts on society” – he said. He saw this experience as “an opportunity to interact with Università Cattolica's excellent students, and to gain experience of teaching and learning in a different setting”.

Prof. Littlewood is looking forward to interacting with and getting to know students of the Master of Science: he is keen to hear their perspectives and ideas around important questions of corporate governance and social responsibility. “I encourage participation in class and value student contributions” – he claimed. “I am hoping for lively, critical, but also constructive discussions.”

Thank you very much Prof. Littlewood and welcome to Università Cattolica and to the MS in Management! We hope our collaboration will continue in the future, paving the way for many further opportunities!

February, 9th 2020