

Global business management


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Admissions and enrolment
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-77 (Scienze economico-aziendali)

The Master of Science in Global Business Management is the most international program offered by the Faculty of Economics and Law at the Piacenza Campus.

It is the result of years of experience both in teaching and in researching also within the IPBS (International Network of Business Schools) Network.

The International Partnership of Business Schools (IPBS) is a consortium of  leading business schools in Europe, USA and Latin America. The partner schools are located in Dublin (Ireland), Lancaster (United Kingdom), Madrid (Spain), Reims/Rouen (France), Reutlingen (Germany), Piacenza (Italy), Raleigh (NC, USA), Puebla (Mexico) and São Paulo (Brazil).

The programme also provides its students with excellent opportunities to earn a double qualification  from prestigious international universities upon completion of their course of study.

The Master of Science in Global Business Management aims at addressing the most innovative managerial topics on international business, on doing business in foreign countries, on international competitiveness, on merging and acquisition, of performance measurement and management and on sustainability management.

Companies tend to employ graduates with the following skills:

  • acquire awareness of international issues and settings
  • work and study experience within multinational working groups
  • ability to analyze global markets
  • ability to conceive and deal with the management of major or significant projects

The Global Business Management program aims to endow students with the listed skills so as to enable them to quickly adapt to an international environment, whilst understanding the dynamics, and knowing how to effectively identify solutions to managerial problems in such settings.


Find out more

The Faculty of Economics and Law is member of the AACSB Business Education Alliance