

Actuarial sciences, risk and data analysis


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2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-83 (Scienze statistiche attuariali e finanziarie)

Curricular Internships

A curricular internship for credits is provided for in the programmes of the School of Banking, Finance and Insurance Sciences.

It is a wide-ranging educational opportunity which offers the student a period of practical experience in a dedicated company working in close contact with professionals and prospective employers. Therefore, it must be previously approved, as such, by the University Tutor.

The Curricular Internship does not in any way constitute employment; rather it is an integral part of the university training programme.


Tutor Contact

Andrea Viola
Internship tutor room (‘Sala di tutor di tirocinio’), on the ground floor of the courtyard adjacent to the Internships and Placements office.
Prospective interns by appointment only.


Specific details

  • Minimum duration is three months full-time. For internships carried out abroad, shorter time periods may be approved (please consult Regulations available in the Information section of the Blackboard online course related to the Curricular Internship and also in the Faculty Guide)
  • Internships are not mandatory
  • Number of credits assigned to the intern:
    10 for Financial Intermediaries Economics – Undergraduate and Statistical Actuarial and Economic Sciences;
    8 for Financial Intermediaries Economics - Graduate and Banking and Finance;
    5 for Statistics and Actuarial Sciences
  • Credits allocated: at the end of the internship the student must hand in the final report to the university tutor at least three weeks before the final exam session. Guidelines are available for the layout and title page in the Documents section of the Blackboard online course related to the Curricular Internship
  • Application for the internship: forms can be found in the Documents section of the Blackboard online course related to the Curricular Internship
  • All rules and regulations are available in the Faculty Guide and in the Information section of the blackboard online course related to the Curricular Internship

Application procedure

Firstly, contact the tutor for the necessary approval and all useful information
To activate the curricular internship for credits go to