

Communication for Business, Media and Culture


2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-19 (Informazione e sistemi editoriali) - LM-59 (Scienze della comunicazione pubblica, d'impresa e pubblicità)

Within the Communication for Business, Media and Culture course, there are practical workshops that allow students to develop advanced skills and abilities in the strategic management of communication processes, also through digital tools. They represent an integral and essential training element of the Study Course, fundamental for the future professional placement.

The Study Course includes the following modules, inserted in the teaching programmes:

English For Business: aims to consolidate and strengthen the necessary language skills to accurate and effective economic communication in English.

Digital e Soft Skills: it is organised into two complementary modules, i.e. module A and module B, with the aim of providing the necessary knowledge for developing respectively applied digital and soft skills. It aims to provide students with the basic concepts to design and structure the creation of strategic communication plans to be released on digital channels, including editorial and branded content .

Self branding and Job Positioning: provides the skills necessary to position yourself correctly on the job market and to successfully face interviews and selection steps.

Thesis and Dissertation: provides the skills to deal profitably with the thesis process: from focusing on the main research question, to defining the methods and indicators, up to the presentation of the results and their discussion.