
Faculty of: ECONOMIA



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Admissions and enrolment
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-77 (Scienze economico-aziendali)


The Internship is an experiential learning within a Business Lab partnering Company, with the scope to connect academic learning with practice emerging in the daily routines in the workplace.

It allows:

  • to gain a practical/work experience in an organizational context,
  • to take part in a unit or a team for specific set of activities defined by the managers,
  • to test (and improve) competences of task management, communication and relational skills, and the relational skills,
  • to gain an in depth understanding of an organizational culture, with its priorities and strategic positioning

Internship takes place towards the end of the study program (5th and/or 6th term).
Students are engaged in a recruiting process (the company is responsible for the selection and acceptance of candidates).
Internship duration is around 250 hours, approximately 3 months (full time) in a unit/department offered by companies depending on available positions and state/advancement of projects.
Internship is tutored by one Company tutor throughout the experience.


Facts and figures

Since the inception of the program in 2014, MScM students successfully delivered more than 310 curricular internships in 37 partnering companies in a number of business functions such as finance, marketing, sales, supply chain, human resources, operations, and so forth.


Hitherto, MScM students did their curricular internships in the following companies:


Student’s perspective

Internship at Falck Renewables I Giacomo Bendin