
Faculty of: ECONOMIA



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2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-77 (Scienze economico-aziendali)

At the beginning of each academic year, an inclusive event is held to welcome MScM students. Both first- and second-year students are invited to the Welcome Day taking place in September every year before the beginning of classes in order to address the main elements of the student experience for each year and ensure a smooth transition into the programme.

During the Welcome Day students:

  • receive a personal welcome from the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and the Programme Director, and have a chance to meet in person distinguished corporate guests and faculty members;
  • are provided with a general overview of the main pillars of the programme, including the academic calendar, the learning outcomes, the term structure, the exam sessions and the international opportunities offered as part of the study plan;
  • are introduced to the MScM teaching experience, assessment methods and business labs;
  • meet the representatives of UCSC main offices and gain a good understanding of the services offered to students  to help them "navigate" their university journey;
  • are actively engaged in a number of ice breaking sessions so to get acquainted with their classmates and enter the MScM community.


On September 15 first and second year students of the MSc in Management met Mauro Fenzi, CEO at SACMI with a long standing background and experience in multiple managerial roles in international enterprises. Mr Fenzi focused his inspirational speech on the challenges a company like SACMI has to cope with today and will have to cope with in the next future as well as the kind of leaders will result be better equipped in order to succeed in the business world.

Find out more in Mauro Fenzi’s interview