
Faculty of: ECONOMIA



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2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-77 (Scienze economico-aziendali)

On 27 September 2022 the Master of Science in Management of the UCSC Faculty of Economics was awarded the EFMD Programme Accreditation. The accreditation was granted for a period of five years, which is an outstanding achievement for initial accreditations.

The EFMD Board commended the Faculty of Economics for its strong programme management, with a clear focus on the continuous improvement of the programme. In addition, the EFMD Peer Review Team recognized the learning experience provided to MScM students through the business labs delivered each year in collaboration with a number of partnering companies as an example of exceptional and distinctive educational practice.

To date, the MScM is the only 2-year MSc programme (laurea magistrale) accredited by EFMD in Italy and one of the 18 MSc programmes accredited worldwide.

EFMD accreditation has been a major accomplishment for our programme. Reflecting on this achievement, our Rector, prof. Franco Anelli, said: ‘It is with great pride that we receive EFMD Programme accreditation for the Faculty of Economics MScM. The first to benefit from this accreditation will be the students, who now have an international guarantee of the teaching quality of the programme, which will make their qualification increasingly valuable on the job market. The degree programme’s compliance with the high international standards certified by EFMD is evidence of the work successfully undertaken in recent years to make the MScM a point of excellence in the preparation of young people for the world of work and in training future leaders. This accreditation is, however, a starting point rather than a point of arrival: for the next five years, UCSC will have the opportunity to be part of an international network of prestigious universities and to build and consolidate partnerships with other EFMD-accredited institutions.’

December, 15th 2022