

Medicine and surgery


Admissions and enrolment
6 Years
Degree Classes
LM-41 (Medicina e chirurgia)

Double - Triple Degree

in collaboration with Thomas Jefferson University of Philadelphia

The programme offers students enrolled in the first year of the Single-Cycle Master’s Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery the possibility of obtaining a Triple Degree:

  • Laurea Magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia (Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery) from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
  • Medical Degree from Thomas Jefferson University – Sidney Kimmel Medical College
  • Master of Science in Health Policy with a concentration in International Health and Medicine from Jefferson College of Population Health

Students who undertake the Triple Degree study programme will divide their studies between Università Cattolica and Thomas Jefferson University (Sidney Kimmel Medical College and College of Population Health), as described below.


Ryan D SOUZA, Class of 2024

"This program between Università Cattolica and Thomas Jefferson University has offered me a very unique opportunity to study medicine in two different continents and systems. Although it has certainly been challenging, it has also been very enjoyable and a great learning experience that I would recommend to anyone"

Simone DI FRANCO, Class of 2025

“The chance to study in the Cattolica/SKMC triple degree program is unbelievable. It takes a bit to adjust to the American approach to medicine, but eventually all the efforts will surely pay off!”

Vic VANDENBROUCKE, Class of 2024

“Don't ever let something that looks difficult stop you from achieving the dream you want. Pursuing the Cattolica/SKMC triple degree program could possibly be the hardest decision in your life, but trust me when I say it's worth all the sweat and tears!”

Thomas Jefferson University

Sidney Kimmel Medical College