Info for
Prospective Students
Cattolica Students
International Students
Academic Staff
Institutions, Companies and Professions

The tools to choose

Start with yourself

Consider your aspirations and desires: motivation and vocation are essential to become good at what you do and this, combined with a solid preparation, will make you a credible and reliable professional.

Start with yourself, and don't leave the choice to the advice of others or to the fashion of the moment
Gather the information you need and learn how to sort it with as much time as you need.
Focus on your desires and their achievability without giving too much weight to secondary elements, such as proximity to the location or finding a secure job.

Look around

Find out about the study paths that are right for you, meet the Institutes and Universities that provide them to find out in detail about the educational offer.

Visit the websites dedicated to orientation and post-diploma training, in Italy and abroad

Visit the websites of individual universities or sites dedicated to studies and university students

Experiment, try, participate, take advantage of the orientation opportunities offered by the university: open days, open lectures, workshops, websites...

Collect information on the context (geographical, productive, etc.) in which you are inserted, learn more about the characteristics of the professions that attract you and the training paths to achieve them.

  • (information on guidance, training and work)
  • (CIMEA website, overview of all regulated Italian professions and related professional qualifications – qualifications -)
  • (Regional Framework of Professional Standards, Lombardy Region)

Be careful, it is important to understand the context in which certain professional opportunities are most likely to develop!

Which skills can be most useful to be competitive in the professions of interest?

Which skills can be most useful to be competitive in the professions of interest?

Consider University as an opportunity

Choosing a university course means acquiring theoretical and practical skills in different disciplinary fields, developing analytical and in-depth skills and learning to "learn", i.e. to manage information

University is different from school because YOU have chosen it and you can study whatever you prefer, the lessons are interactive and you will be asked to be more involved in the classroom and in individual study, you will have to manage your time better by alternating MONTHS of attendance with lessons and MONTHS of exams

Not just lessons. Choosing a university does not only mean attending lectures and taking exams but also language services, company internships and meetings with the world of professions, study and work abroad
