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Which Specialising Master to choose?

The first level Specialising Master Programmes, corresponding to level 7 of the European Qualification Framework, is designed for students with an undergraduate degree who wish to focus their training on specific professional profiles, in order to immediately enter the workplace. These programmes are characterized by highly interactive teaching and frequent opportunities for field training (internships, workshops, professional seminars) and guided practical exercises. The training credits acquired can be recognised for the purposes of a possible graduate degree.
The 2nd level Specialising Master Programmes, corresponding to level 8 of the European Qualification Framework, develops highly in-depth scientific paths and excellent training opportunities for those who have obtained a graduate degree and/or an integrated degree.

MASTER GENERALE brochure 2024.pdf
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Specialising Master Brochure 2024/2025

The Specialising Master office organises a range of orientation activities. You can request an interview with a specialised counsellor who will guide you in the choice of your path, participate in the postgraduate fairs organised in major Italian cities or in our Open Evening in June and September where you will receive information on Specialising Master programmes, admission procedures, scholarships and benefits.


You may apply for admission to more than one Specialising Master Programme. In this case, you will have to produce an application for admission to each of the Specialising Masters you are interested in.

The Specialising Master normally lasts 1 academic year (equivalent to 60 ECTS). In some cases, modules spread over 18/24 months may be provided, with a workload of 60 ECTS. The Specialising Master in journalism, recognised as qualifying for the state examination, lasts two years and requires for the awarding of 120 ECTS.

Yes, some Specialising Masters provide evening or weekend attendance (on Fridays and Saturdays).

In general, the start of Specialising Masters is scheduled for October or November. Some Specialising Masters start in January, February and March.

Yes, attendance at Specialising Master Programmes is compulsory, generally for 75% of the total number of hours (see individual master's rules).

The Specialising Master includes a period of internship aimed at obtaining the title. You can carry out your internship in Italy or abroad, with companies that have a consolidated collaboration in the field of Specialising Masters. On the basis of the needs expressed by the students, new ad hoc agreements may be stipulated.

Each Specialising Master has a specific fee to be paid in several instalments (go to the "admission" page of each Specialising Master Programme). Fees can be paid by payment slip (MAV), by bank transfer or by credit card (for the Milan, Brescia and Piacenza-Cremona campuses).

A series of scholarships and financial benefits are available to Italian and foreign students who meet specific merit, origin and financial requirements. Enrolled students can also apply for a subsidised loan through an agreement with Banca Intesa, aimed at covering participation costs. In addition, each individual master's degree may award scholarships to cover all or part of the tuition fees.

You can  take advantage of all the services offered by the University: blackboard teaching platform, wireless, language courses, canteen and health service, guidance, internships and placements, library, book lending, sports and cultural centre.

Educatt offers an online service for finding rooms and shared flats. The Specialising Master's office can provide support in identifying residences and institutes that offer subsidised rates. (Service active for the Milan, Brescia and Piacenza-Cremona campuses).

Yes. Pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 993 of 23 December 2016, tuition fees, for enrolment in all first and second level Specialising Master Programmes at the Milan, Brescia and Piacenza campuses, are deductible at 19%  for a maximum amount of €3,900 (regardless of the Master's subject area).

The deduction is granted on condition that you are in possession of receipts for payment of fees made by MAV, bank transfer, by credit card or other payment systems.

Also access  the website of the Ministry of Education and Merit, for information on the deductibility of education expenses

If you are a VAT-registered worker who has attended a Specialising Master, you can benefit from a tax saving. As an alternative to the 19% deduction, you can deduct from your income the cost of attending the Specialising Master, including any travel and accommodation expenses, up to a maximum of €10,000.

Download the Decree
