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Smart road

Consciously choosing to pave the way for the future

Starting from the 2022/2023 academic year, Italian universities were beneficiaries of PNRR resources to be allocated to the activation of 15-hour courses aimed at "active orientation in the school-university transition".
The collaboration between the Faculties of Psychology and Education Sciences has resulted in a psycho-attitudinal orientation course entitled "Smart road: choosing consciously to make way for the future", which provides for the provision of 12 hours of face-to-face lessons conducted by a counselor with a participatory activating methodology and 3 hours of video content accessible through a virtual catalogue.
The course is aimed at the entire class group and is dedicated to students in the last three years of secondary school.

Course contents

The course is structured in 6 modules of 2 hours each for face-to-face activities and is completed by the use of virtual content with a total duration of 3 hours.

I learn to choose

With the first module, students get to know what the orientation skills are, question themselves about those they already have and how to acquire the missing ones

I get to know myself

With the second module, students better understand which dimensions of the self are important to develop awareness about and how to do so

I develop my skills

With the third module, students reflect on the true value of training and learn to look for reliable information about courses and post-diploma training offerings

I question myself about sustainability

With the fourth module, students reflect on the importance of making choices that are ecologically, socially, economically but also personally sustainable

I get to know the professions

With the fifth module, students learn what are the elements to be investigated in order to understand what it means to do a specific job and how to choose the path that best prepares them to do it

I sum up what I’ve learned

With the sixth module, students can synthesize the self-knowledge stimulated by the course, defining an educational and professional objective that they will continue to evaluate independently

The "Smart road" route is offered to high schools throughout the country and face-to-face lessons can take place at school or on the nearest university campus.

Once the interest in activating a course is indicated, the campus contact person schedules an interview with the reference teacher in order to schedule lessons and assign the counselor to each group.

Since this is an activity funded by the PNRR, the MUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research) has defined a series of operational indications that regulate the relationship between school and university:

  • The courses can only be provided after stipulating an agreement signed by the legal representatives of the school and the University.
  • Students taking part in a course must be registered on the ministerial platform Orientamento2026: identification will take place through the tax code, which will make it possible to enforce the constraint whereby each student will be able to join a single path funded by the PNRR throughout the three-year period.
  • At the end of the course, students who have participated in at least 70% of the activities (11 hours) receive a certificate of participation issued by the dedicated ministerial platform.
  • At the same time as the certificates of attendance are transmitted, teachers are sent a link to be forwarded to students who have joined the course to fill in a questionnaire developed by the Ministry.
  • In the event that the school intends to recognize the "Smart road" path as a PCTO, it is advisable to sign the appropriate agreement and the individual training project for each student involved.