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Questions and answers on the Enrolment process for undergraduate and integrated degree programmes

How can I find out if the registration for the admission test has been successful?
Registration for the admission test has been successful when the status of the application is "Waiting for admission test".  

Has the payment of the registration fee for the admission test been successful?
The payment of the registration fee for the test has been successful when it has been ascertained by the University and the status of the application is "Waiting for admission test".

Why does the documentation I have uploaded remain "Under evaluation"? Am I enroled in the test?
It is correct that the documentation is "under evaluation" overall, because only documents useful for verifying the possession of the requirements for participation in the test or for the calculation of the score (e.g. report cards and certifications) are validated before the admission test. The passport photo, identity document, etc. can also be validated after the place has been reserved.

The documentation I uploaded is "Invalid". Am I enroled in the test?
It depends on which type of documentation is "Invalid":
English language certification (for English language courses): the language requirement is mandatory, you cannot participate in the test.
As an alternative to language certification, you can take the "English Test" provided by our University Language Service (SELDA) on one of the available dates and by the test registration deadline.
Language/informatics/occupational certification: if it is "Invalid" until the deadline to register for the entrance test, you will not be awarded the additional score.
School reports (for courses for which a minimum grade point average of the penultimate year of high school is required): if it is "Invalid" up to the registration deadline for the admission test, you cannot participate in the test.
Report cards (for courses for which report card grades contribute to your final score): if they remain "Invalid" up to the test registration deadline, you may participate in the test with the minimum score (6 in all subjects).
Photo, ID document, fiscal code(tax ID), residence permit: validation does not affect registration and participation in the test.

What does the admission test consist of? How long does it last? How can I prepare?
You can find the information on the course page: Course Admission Procedures, Instructions for the Online Admission Test, Simulations and Exercises.

Where and when does the test take place? What do I need to bring with me?
You can find the information you need on the course page (see Programme Admission Procedures and Admission Test Instructions).
You will receive an invitation by e-mail in the days before the test.
For recognition you must have a valid identity document (Identity Card, Passport, Driving License) with you.

When and where are the test results published?
You can find the expected dates for the publication of the results in the Admission Procedures for the programme you are interested in.
The results of the test can be consulted by clicking on the "List of tests" tab of the Enrolment Portal. If you are successful, the status of your application becomes "Eligible for Enrolment" and you can reserve your place.

Can I repeat the test if I fail?
It depends on the programme you wish to enrol in: please refer to the Admission Procedures of the programme you are interested in.

Is it possible to register for more than one admission test at Università Cattolica?
Yes, you must respect the admission procedures and deadlines for each course, check the Programme Admission Procedures.

I am eligible, do I definitely get the place? How much time do I have to reserve a place?
If you are eligible, you must reserve your place in accordance with the deadlines set out in the Admission Procedures for the programme of your choice, subject to availability of places.  

I am interested in both the English and Italian programmes, do I have to take two tests? Are the contents the same?
For the Faculty of ECONOMICS: it is possible to register for only one test; the test in English is valid for Enrolment in all the programmes of the Faculty (while the test in Italian is valid for Enrolment in the programmes of the Faculty taught in Italian). The contents of the two tests are the same, only the language of the test changes.
For the Faculty of POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: you must enrol in both the Admission Test of the course in Italian (valid for COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETY and POLITICAL SCIENCE FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS), and that of the course in English (valid for COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT and INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND GLOBAL AFFAIRS).
For the Faculty of PSYCHOLOGY: you must register and take both the test in Italian (for the Milan or Brescia campus) and the test in English.

I need to upload my high school reports but I can't find them. What do I do?
For the Faculty of ECONOMICS: you can also upload the screenshot of the electronic register.
If you do not have it and your school cannot issue report cards, you must declare for all subjects the minimum grade (6/10) and upload a self-certification stating that you do not have the report cards.
For OTHER Faculties: the report card is mandatory in order to participate in the admission tests dedicated to those who have a certain minimum average in the penultimate year of high school.

I need the school report of my 4th high-school year to register for the entrance test, but I did my 4th year abroad. What documents can I submit?
You can upload your 4th year report card with the converted grades from your Italian school to the Enrolment Portal, or the 3rd year report and a self-certification stating that you do not have the 4th year report abroad with the converted grades from your Italian school: the average grade from the 3rd year is taken into account.

I have completed my 4th year of high school abroad and I want to enrol in a programme taught in English, what should I do?
You must declare in the Enrolment Portal in the section "Extracurricular certifications", "Declaration of 4th year abroad", that you have completed the 4th year abroad, only if in an English-speaking country. 
You must upload the transcript instead of the language certificate and the converted 4th year report with the Italian grades (NB: The converted report card is required. In the absence of this, upload the transcript and a self-certification in which you declare that you do not have the report card of the 4th year abroad with the grades converted by your Italian school: for ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT, the grades you obtained in the 3rd year are considered; for PSYCHOLOGY, IRGA and COMMA, the average obtained in the third year is considered).

There is an English language requirement for admission to the course, but I do not have a certificate and I did not attend my 4th year abroad.
What can I do?
Before the deadline for registration for the admission test, you can take the "English Test" provided by our University Language Service (SELDA), according to the procedures indicated in the Admission Procedures (cf. "Language Requirement").
The result is automatically recorded on the Enrolment Portal and is visible in the "List of Tests" section.

Why is my language/computer science certification "Invalid" if I have never uploaded it? (Only for the Faculty of ECONOMICS)
Because you have declared that you have a language/computer science certification in the "Extracurricular certifications" section. If you have the certification, you must upload it, otherwise no points will be awarded.  

I am also interested in another course in the Faculty of ECONOMICS but the system does not allow me to open a second application. What can I do?
You can only open one application because there is only one registration form for the test: the test in English is valid for all the courses of the Faculty of Economics; the test in Italian is valid for all Faculty of Economics programmes taught in Italian.

Is it possible to change the programme I have chosen for the Faculty of ECONOMICS admission test? Is there a deadline?
Yes, it is possible using the "Modify course" tab. The test taken in English is valid for all programmes in the Faculty of Economics. The test taken in Italian is valid for all Faculty of Economics programmes taught in Italian. The modification is possible until the end of the registration for the test. It will be possible to change it again before reserving the place, subject to availability of places on the desired programme.

Is the English certification compulsory? Do language certifications count? Which ones are valid for the test? By when must I have them? (Only for Faculty of ECONOMICS)
For the test held in Italian: possession of a language certificate is not mandatory, but allows the assignment of 3.5 additional points; it is possible to upload only one certificate (in English, French, Spanish or German) among those provided for in the Admission Procedures, which must be obtained by the deadline for registration to the test.
For the test in English: at least a B2 level is required in order to take the test in English; this is recognised by possession of an English language certificate among those provided for in the Admission Procedures which must be obtained by 1/1/2022 and by the deadline for registration to the test, or by attendance of the 4th year of high school abroad or by taking the "English test" provided by our University Language Service (SELDA). The possession of a language certificate (in English, French, Spanish or German) meets the same criteria indicated for the test carried out in Italian in terms of assigning points.

How do I know if my interview registration was successful?
The registration procedure for the interview is complete when the status of the application is "Interview booked".
No payment is required to register for the interview. Once you have completed your registration, you will find a summary in the Portal: date, time and place of the interview.   

How long does the interview last? What does it consist of? How can I prepare?
The interview lasts about 15 minutes. The content of the interview depends on the programme you have chosen: check the page of the programme you are interested in .

When I connect to Teams, how do I contact the teacher?
You do not have to contact the teacher. At the appointed time , stay online and wait for the call.

When will I know the outcome of the interview? Can I repeat it?
You will know the outcome at the end of the day of your interview or at the end of the interview session. The interview may or may not be repeated, depending on the programme you wish to enrol in: see the Programme Admission Procedures.

An average grade equal to or above 7.5 in the penultimate year of secondary school is required for admission to the interviews for the Financial markets and institutions programme, but I attended my 4th year abroad, how should I proceed?
The grade average of your 4th year high-school report, converted according to the Italian evaluation system[MM1] , is considered for the admission. If you do not have the converted report, the average grade obtained in the third year is taken into account, so instead of the fourth year report you will have to upload the third year report and the transcript issued by the foreign school.

I want to enrol in the English language profile of Financial markets and institutions - "FINANCE", but I do not have an adequate English language certificate and I did not attend the 4th year abroad. What can I do?
Before the deadline for Enrolment in the interview, you can take the "English test" provided by our University Language Service (SELDA) according to the procedures indicated in the Admission Procedures (see "Language requirement"). The result will be automatically recorded on the Enrolment Portal in the "List of Tests" section and you will be able to open the application form for the interview.

I want to enrol in the Social Work Sciences course but I do not have an adequate English language certification. What can I do?
You can take the "English Test" provided by our University Language Service (SELDA) according to the procedures indicated in the Admission Procedures (see "Language Requirement"). The outcome is automatically recorded on the Enrolment Portal in the "List of Tests" section. The language requirement must be fulfilled by the deadline set by the Admission Procedures of the course.

I have selected the degree programme I want to enrol in, why can’t I click on the "Enrol" button?
The admission phase may not be open yet (check the timetable on the programme page) or places have run out (check the colour of the traffic light on the course card in the Enrolment Portal.

Until when can I enrol?
By the deadline for registration (check the timetable on the programme page) in case of places still available.

My course has several admission pathways, do I have to follow all of them?
No, you only have to follow only one pathway according to your requirements and admission deadlines (see the programme page).

The status of my application is "Sent". Have I completed my application? How do I reserve a place?
If the application status is "submitted", the registration procedure has not been completed.
You must upload the documents and click "Continue" until your application status is "Currently being assessed".
To reserve your place, you must access the Enrolment Portal according to the deadlines defined in the Programme Admission Procedures.
The validation of your passport photo, identity document, tax code and residence permit can be carried out by the University staff even after you have reserved your place on the programme.

The status of my application is "Under evaluation". Have I completed my application?
If your application status is "Under evaluation", you have submitted your application.
Your application is verified: if you meet the requirements, your application is in "Eligible for Enrolment" status, so you must access the Enrolment Portal, follow the instructions and deadlines defined in the Programme Admission Procedures.
The validation of your passport photo, identity document, tax code and residence permit can be carried out by the University staff even after you have reserved your place on the programme.
If you do not meet the requirements, you will receive an e-mail and your application will be cancelled.

A report card from the 4th year of high school is required to enrol in the course, but I did the 4th year abroad. What documents can I submit?
You can upload your 4th year report card with the converted grades from your Italian school or the 3rd year report and a self-certification stating that you do not have the converted 4th year report from your school abroad: the average grade from the 3rd year will be taken into account.

I have completed my 4th year of high school abroad and I want to enrol in a programme/profile in English, what should I do?
You must declare in the Enrolment Portal in the "Extracurricular certifications" section that you have completed the 4th year abroad only if you completed it in an English-speaking country.
You must upload the transcript instead of the language certificate, and the 4th year report converted to Italian grades (NB. The converted report card is required. In you cannot provide it, upload the transcript and a self-certification in which you declare that you do not have the report card of the 4th year abroad with the grades converted by your Italian school: the average grade of the 3rd year will be considered).

I want to enrol in an English language programme/profile but I do not have an English language certificate and I did not attend the 4th year abroad. What can I do?
You can take the "English Test" provided by our University Language Service (SELDA) according to the procedures indicated in the notice published on the programme page, in the "Admissions and Enrolments" section, where the results are also published. The result is automatically recorded on the Enrolment Portal and is visible in the "List of Tests" tab.

A Cover Letter is required for admission to the degree programme I am interested in. Are there any rules for writing the letter?
Yes, there are some rules for writing and they are indicated in the "Presentation Letter" format that can be downloaded from the programme page.

I am an international student. How do I sign up?
If you have a non-Italian diploma, you should contact the International Admissions Office: .

I want to enrol in a programme at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. By selecting the Rome campus, only Economics appears among the undergraduate degree courses. How come?
To enrol in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery you must use this Online Enrolment System.

It is necessary to enter my high school qualification in the Enrolment Portal, but I am still in the 5th grade, how can I proceed?
You need to enter your title as "In progress". Once you have obtained your high school diploma, you can change it to "Obtained" and enter the grade.

The diploma I am currently obtaining or the school I am attending do not appear in the drop-down menu. What can I enter?
Contact us through the "Support" tab of the Enrolment Portal indicating the correct name of your diploma or high school institution.

Can I open more than one application form at the same time?
Yes, you must respect the deadlines and admission procedures for the courses you are interested in.

Do I have to upload all documents?    
You must upload the mandatory documents. When they have all been uploaded, click the "Continue" button at the bottom right of the Enrolment Portal page.

How do I upload multiple files?    
You can only upload one file per document.
Multiple pages must be saved in a single file. You can use your scanner or one of these free software packages. 
Click on "View" to see what you have uploaded.

Is only an identity card accepted as proof of identity?    
No, a passport and driving licence are also accepted.
The driving licence and identity card must be uploaded with their front and their back in a single file.

I do not have a residence permit, but I have an appointment with the Police Headquarters (Questura) to renew it, what should I upload?
You must upload your expired residence permit and the receipt for the appointment with the Police Headquarters.
After Enrolment, you must hand in your renewed residence permit to the Student Services Centre.

I do not reside in Italy, what can I upload instead of a tax code?
You must apply to the Revenue Agency for a tax code.

By when do I have to upload my documents?
The uploading of the passport photo, identity card, etc. must be uploaded to register for tests or admission interviews and to reserve a place on the course. The Enrolment documents (Certificate of Baptisme, Enrolment application) must be uploaded by the Enrolment deadline indicated in the Enrolment Portal.

How do I know if a place is reserved?
The place is reserved when the status of the application is "Payment confirmed".

How do I pay the registration fee?
Enter the Enrolment Portal , open the application and when it is in "Eligible for Enrolment" status, pay the Enrolment instalment with the PagoPA  slip (same amount for all courses) by following the directions.
You can choose "Pay online" to make the payment through the PagoPA circuit, or "Pay later" to pay by internet banking or physically at participating merchants.
To reserve your place, the University must ascertain that payment has been made. 
PLEASE NOTE: To pay the first instalment, do not consider the due date on the Payment Notice, but check the timelines defined by the Admission Procedures and the availability of places for the course you are interested in. 

I reserved a place on a course, but I changed my mind. Can I transfer the payment?
If you have not yet enrolled and there are still places available, you can contact us (ITA)by selecting "Admission procedure" and requesting a transfer of payment.
You must attach a copy of your identity document.
If you have already enrolled and there are still places available, you must request a Programme Transfer.
ATTENTION: in this case, check in the "Specific procedures for transfer from another university, internal course transfer, second degree and career resumption" if there are any special impediments.

I paid the first instalment but in the meantime the places have run out. What can I do?
If your application status is "All places filled" contact us by selecting "Admission procedure" as message subject.

I am a student with a disability, do I have to pay the first instalment to reserve a place?
If the certified disability is at least 66% or in the case of Law 104, you must pay € 100.
If your disability is less than 66%, you must pay €. 1,470 as the amount of the first instalment of Enrolment.
The instalment amount is determined automatically based on what you have declared in the "SLD / Disability Certification" section of the Enrolment Portal.
If you have any questions, please contact the Services for Inclusiom: Contact (ITA).

The first instalment slip I downloaded has a different deadline from the one indicated in the Admission Procedures.
By when do I have to pay the first instalment?
To make the payment for the place reservation, do not consider the due date on the Payment Notice, but check the timelines defined by the Admission Procedures and the availability of places for the course you are interested in.

My application is in ''Awaiting Enrolment'', but it shows that the places available for the programme have all been filled. What does it mean?
If your application is in the "Awaiting Enrolment" status or "Payment confirmed" it means that your place has been reserved.  

Do I have to wait for my documents to be validated before paying?
No, the validation of documents can take place after the place is reserved.
Do not wait for your documents to be validated as you may run out of places.
instead, respect the deadlines defined in the Admission Procedures.

Will I be enrolled on payment of the instalment?
With the payment of the first instalment you have reserved your place on the programme.
To enrol, you must continue the procedure indicated in the Enrolment Portal and wait until you have obtained your high school diploma.

I have paid the first instalment but my documents are still "Under evaluation", is the place reserved?
Yes, if the status of your application is "Payment confirmed" the place is reserved.
It may take a few days for validation.

If places are 'fully booked', can they become available again in the future?
Yes, following cancellations by other students.
Please contact us via the "Support" tab of the Enrolment Portal if you wish to send us a Declaration of Interest specifying the degree programme in which you are interested.

I have reserved the place. What should I do?
If you have obtained your high school diploma, change the title you entered on the Enrolment Portal from "In progress" to "Obtained", enter the grade and wait for the documents to be validated.
When your application status is in "Awating Enrolment" you can enrol.

Why is my application status not in "Awaiting Enrolment"?
Enrolment starts in July.
If, as of July, your application does not go into "Awaiting Enrolment" the reasons may be:

  • the uploaded documentation has not yet been validated
  • the uploaded documentation is "Invalid"
  • the degree is not listed as "Obtained"
  • 24 hours have not yet passed since the requirements listed in the previous two points were fulfilled.

When will the documents I uploaded be validated? Is it normal that they have been "Under evaluation" for days.
Passport photo, ID card, etc. are validated once you have reserved a place on the programme.
From then on, it may take a few days.
The Enrolment documents (Certificate of Baptisme and Enrolment application) are validated within a few days after you have reached the status of "Enrolled".

Why does my Application Form display the message "Incomplete/invalid documentation"?
Because you have not uploaded all the required documents or some of them are invalid.
To proceed, correct the "invalid" documents using the instructions in the "Notes" section of each document.

Do I have to wait for my documents to be validated before registering?
You do not have to wait for your documents to be validated in order to take part in the admission procedure or to reserve your place.
Documents related to the admission to the course (school report, language certification) are validated after confirmation of participation in the admission test and by the date of the test.

Personal documents (passport photo, ID card, fiscal code, residence permit) are validated after the place is reserved and must be "valid" to proceed with Enrolment. Enrolment documents (certificate of Baptism and Enrolment request) are validated a few days after uploading.

How do I enrol?
Enrolment takes place by uploading the Certificate (or self-certification) of Baptism and the Enrolment Application form on the Enrolment Portal.
PLEASE NOTE: Registrations open in July.  

What is the Enrolment Application? Where can I find it?
It is a document that you can download from the Enrolment Portal by entering your application when it is in "Awaiting Enrolment" status. You can download it from July.

How do I fill in the Enrolment Application?
Check that all pre-filled data is correct.
Complete the application:

  • tick the box for the payment of the first instalment (page 2)
  • indicates the place and date of completion and signature (page 3, page 5 and three times on page 6)

The signature must be in the original, not electronic.
If you are a minor, a parent's signature is required in addition to your signature.
NB: No other sections need to be filled in "by hand".
The Enrolment Application is pre-filled, if you want to change the data, you must make the change on your Profile, then reprint the Application.
In particular, if you want to modify the section dedicated to parental consent (page 6 point 2) you must do so from: "Profile – Privacy data and conditions – Degree course".

I cannot upload my Enrolment Application, what should I do?
Before uploading the Enrolment Application, you must upload the Certificate of Baptisme (or the self-declaration or the certificate of the welcome interview).
If you are unable to upload all (6) pages of the application in a single file, or the file is too large, please adjust your scanner settings or download a free scanning app. Remember to click on "View" to see what you have uploaded.

When is the Enrolment deadline?
The deadline for Enrolment is 12 September.
If you reserve your place after 12 August, you have 30 days from the date you reserve your place.

A Certificate of Baptisme is also required among the documents, why?
Access the information on the Certificate of Baptisme.

Can't retrieve my Certificate of Baptisme? What can I upload?
You can upload your Confirmation  Certificate or self-declaration with your name, the date and the parish in which you were baptized. 
The original Certificate of Baptisme must be handed in to the Student Services Centre at the location of Enrolment.

I am not baptised, what can I upload instead of a Certificate of Baptisme?
You will need to meet with a pastoral assistant for a brief interview, after which you will be given a certificate to upload on the Portal in the "Certificate of Baptisme" section. To make an appointment with the pastoral assistant, write to:

In the meantime, you can upload a self-declaration on plain paper stating that you are waiting for the interview. The original certificate must be handed to the Student Services Centre.

In the Enrolment Application I have to choose whether to enrol full-time or part-time, what is the difference?
Part-time Enrolment allows you to complete your Undergraduate degree in 6 years instead of 3, with ECTS and payments deferred over time.
You can find more details here .

The enrolment documentation is  "Invalid", am I still enrolled?
You are registered "Conditionally", so you cannot register for exams or apply for certificates.
You must correct the documentation indicated as "Invalid" as soon as possible.

How do I know if I have enrolled correctly?
Your Enrolment is completed when the status of your application is "Enrolled" and all documentation is valid.
You can download the Enrolment Receipt..

I'm enrolled, now what?

  • wait for the Carta Ateneo+ university badge that you will receive by post at the address you have indicated on the Enrolment Portal.
  • use the "Income statement" application
  • access your personal iCatt page and the institutional email
  • take the Verification of Initial Preparation (VPI), if it is required in the course you have enrolled in
  • submit your study plan (you will be informed about the deadlines defined by your Faculty).

I am enrolled, how do I activate my iCatt page and institutional email What about the iCatt app?
All you need to do is access the links:
Log in to iCatt using the same credentials (nominal and pw account) used for the Enrolment Portal.
Enter the institutional email with your address and password.
Download the iCatt App from your play store and always use the same nominal account and password.

I need a document proving my registration, where can I find it?
You can download the Enrolment Receipt from the Enrolment Portal (if you are enrolled and all documentation is "valid"), or you can use the "Online Certificate Request" and "Declarations in lieu of certifications" print functions from your iCatt page.

How do I fill in my income statement?
When you are enrolled, access the "Income statement" application that you can find in the Enrolment Portal and on your iCatt page (section Segreteria on line - Contributions and benefits- Compilation of the income form).

I have the maximum contribution bracket, what should I do?
If your income falls within the maximum contribution bracket, you must still access the application and tick the option "Declaration reserved for students who belong to a conventional household whose income implies the payment of the highest tuition fee”.

When do I have to fill in my income?
At the same time as Enrolment and by 4 December 2023.
If you do not enter your income data in the "Income statement" application, you will be automatically assigned the highest tuition fee bracket.

How much are university instalments?
The university fee varies according to several factors, you can find more information and a simulator on the dedicated page.

I can't retrieve my dad's/mum's income, what should I do?
If you are unable to retrieve the tax records of a parent or member of your household, please contact us using this form by selecting "University Contributions" as message subject.

How do I know if I have uploaded the income correctly?
After entering the data, you will receive two emails: the first one is immediate and confirms the completion of the procedure, the second communicates the result of the validation by the Contributions Office.

Is the first instalment refundable?
According to art. 52, d.lgs. n. 206/2005, the amount paid as the first instalment of university fees and contributions for the year of enrolmentcan be reimbursed by submitting the request to the University within 14 days from the date of payment of the first instalment.

In this case, the University will refund the amount paid in full.
If the withdrawal occurs after the deadline indicated above, the University will retain the amount indicated in the "General regulations for the determination of university fees" approved annually.
The refund, in the event of withdrawal, is not applicable: to students admitted with a foreign qualification, as per the conditions on the website, to students enrolled in the courses of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery as expressly provided for in the Competition Notice, to students enrolled in University Specialising Masters.

When and how do I pay the other instalments?
The due date of the subsequent instalments is:
2 instalments on 11 December 2023
3rd instalment on 31 January 2024
4th instalment on  29 March 2024
5th instalment on 31 May 2024
Subsequent instalments must be paid using the PagoPA payment slips that you can find on your iCatt page (section "Online secretariat" - Contributions and benefits" - "View payment slip details") starting from about one month before the relevant due date.

How do I indicate the income generated abroad in the "Compile income" application?
In the case of income generated in non-EU countries, access the "Fill in income" application and tick the option "Declaration reserved for students belonging to the conventional household whose income is produced partially or entirely in countries not belonging to the European Union and Associated States and not entitled to the LT-LM facilitation with UCSC International Scholarship". You will receive an email with instructions to follow.
In the case of income generated in EU countries (excluding Italy), access the "Fill in income" application and tick the option "Declaration reserved for students belonging to the conventional household whose income is produced partially or entirely in the countries of the European Union and Associated States". Follow the instructions provided by the procedure and attach the family status and the foreign salary self-certification.
If you already know that you belong to the maximum tuition fee bracket, tick the option "Declaration reserved for the student belonging to the conventional household whose equivalent income involves the allocation of the maximum amount of university fees due".

What is the university card for?
The Carta Ateneo+ card is your personal identification document: it is essential for attending University facilities, taking exams, recording attendance in classrooms, and for accessing services  such as the library, canteen, book lending.
It can also be activated as a prepaid card.

When and where do I receive my card?
Production and dispatch times are approximately one month from the achievement of the status of "Enrolled" (or "Awaiting deliberation" in the case of a student who has requested the validation assessment of a previous career) on the Enrolment Portal and after the validation of the relevant documents.
You will receive the badge at the address indicated and selected in the Enrolment Portal (see "CartaAteneo+" tab).

I've received my badge, now what?
Confirm that you have received your badge: go to your iCatt page, on the "Carta Ateneo" home page, log in and enter the 5-digit PIN indicated on the letter you received with the badge. 

If you no longer have your PIN, please contact us using the form.

I want to activate the card as a free prepaid card, how do I do it?
To activate the University Badge as a prepaid card, go to this link and follow the instructions provided by Banca Popolare di Sondrio. You can find more information on the dedicated page (ITA).

I have received an email informing me that my card has been sent, but a long time has passed, what should I do?
Contact us through the "Support" tab of the Enrolment Portal and we will provide you with support.

How do I change the shipping address for my card?
You can view the shipping address by clicking on the "Carta Ateneo+" tab in the Enrolment Portal.
To change it, go to "Profile" - "Personal details" and enter a different address than your residence, then go back to the "Carta Ateneo+" tab and select the new address.
This change can be made as long as the badge is not in production: in this case you will be notified by a message.

Where can I find information about the Verification of Initial Preparation (VPI)?
The information is available on each course page under the heading "Verification of Initial Preparation (VPI) and Additional Educational Obligation (OFA)" in the "Admission and Enrolment” section.

Do I have to register for the VPI test?
You don't need to sign up.
The date for taking the VPI is automatically assigned as soon as your Enrolment is complete.
The date will be visible on your personal iCatt page, in the "My appointments" section.

When will I have to take the VPI?
Your VPI date is automatically assigned to you as soon as your Enrolment is complete, i.e. after your Enrolment application has been uploaded and validated.
The date will be visible on your personal iCatt page, in the "My appointments" section.

Is it possible to take the VPI on a date other than the one I was assigned? Can I change it?
You can change the date from your personal iCatt page within eight days of the date you were automatically assigned.  

I am a student with disabilities or SLD, can I take the VPI with the help of compensatory tools?
Yes, by contacting Inclusion Services in a timely manner.

Is the test online?
Yes, the test is online. The application used is QMP – Question Mark Perception. You will be sent a link before the test and you will have to connect via Teams with the person in the virtual classroom for recognition. In the classroom you will be given the information to access QMP and the password to take the test.

When and where will the VPI results be visible?
The results of the VPI will be visible from the Monday following the day you took the test, on your personal ICatt page.

I took the test but at the end of the test a white screen appeared. What do you mean?
The white screen appears when the allotted time runs out.

I took the VPI test and at the end of the test the message "failed test" appeared. What should I do?
The outcome "failed test" indicates that the minimum threshold required for passing the test has not been reached . One or more OFAs will be assigned depending on the subject areas for which the minimum threshold has not been reached. 

I have taken the VPI, but on my iCatt page I see the result "Not fulfilled". What does it mean?
The VPI was carried out but the result was negative. One or more OFAs will be assigned depending on the subject areas for which the minimum threshold has not been reached. 

Is it possible to view the test I have taken?
The VPI can only be viewed in the event of a negative result. To make an appointment, you can write from your iCatt page - "Information request" by selecting "VPI and OFA" as the topic.

What is the Additional Training Obligation (OFA)?
If you are absent from the VPI or do not pass it, you will automatically be assigned additional courses called OFAs (Additional Educational Obligation).
You can view any OFAs you have been assigned in the "Blackboard courses" section of your iCatt page.

I have been assigned OFA, but iCatt shows that the course is not active. What should I do?
Go to your personal iCatt page and click on "Blackboard courses ", or "Courses" >"Bb courses ". Once you have followed the procedure, you will be able to view all the necessary information.
If there are no active OFA sessions available, the system will update the page with the new dates. 

I forgot to register for the OFA final exam, am I still in time?
The professor/lecturer of reference may authorise Enrolment in the OFA final examination if course attendance is equal to or higher than 70%. 

I have received notification of the recording of the grade for the OFA exam, but I cannot find my grade. Who can I contact?
The assessment and recording of the final examination is the direct responsibility of the OFA course professor. In any case, you will not be awarded a grade, but in the event of a positive result, an "Approved" grade. Please contact the professor/lecturer by e-mail.
If you no longer have your PIN, please contact us using this form.
