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Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences 

Dean: Prof. Marco Trevisan

The Faculty has a long and prestigious tradition.

Founded in 1953, it was the first Faculty of the Piacenza Campus of Università Cattolica and currently represents an absolute point of reference, internationally recognised for advances in the field of scientific research as well as for the quality and innovation of its teaching activities.

Words of the future: Agriculture, Food, Environment

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Campuses and Degree Programmes:

Located in the center of the so-called food valley, our faculty can boast a dense network of very close and collaborative relationships with the most important companies operating in the agri-food world. Also thanks to these valuable synergies, students can access a wide variety of professions, so much so that for many of them it is possible to live an internship/traineeship experience during their studies and, above all, at the end of it 90% of graduates find a job consistent with their skills within six months of graduation 

Marco Trevisan, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

For students, it is an avant-garde, dynamic and open environment; most of the courses include practical workshop experiences, such as the Sensory Lab or the cellar, experiences in the field, such as in the vineyard or in the experimental stable.

Some degree programmes are taught entirely in English and it is possible to spend periods of study abroad at important partner universities. The topics addressed in the classroom are highly topical and concern all dimensions and stages of the agri-food system, following the logic defined as "from farm to fork".

The evolution of the most sophisticated agricultural production techniques is studied, as well as those of the most modern industrial processing; All inspired by the principles of sustainability and responsibility towards the environment. The unequal distribution of food between the countries of the north and south of the world, pollution and climate change, new healthy lifestyles, the potential of Made in Italy food products in international markets: these are just some of the topics that will be explored in the courses by our teachers.

I believe that the contemporary university, while it has the duty to collaborate for the advancement of the sciences and to follow the methodology required by each of them, must never put in second place what requires the recognition of its primacy, that is, man, the human person, the world of spirituality

Father Agostino Gemelli, Founder of Università Cattolica