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Economics and Law

Dean: Prof. Marco Allena

The Faculty offers distinct and autonomous degree programmes in Economics and Law, but also offers some strongly interdisciplinary degree programmes. Students can choose their degree path and customise their study plan with the aim of developing general and basic skills, combining them with those that over time they will find more responsive to their needs, but always within a wide choice strongly demanded by the labor market.

The words of the future: Local - Global, Expertise, Public - Private

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Campuses and Degree Programmes:

Università Cattolica of Piacenza and Cremona, whose foundation stone was laid on 30 October 1949 by the then President of the Republic Luigi Einaudi, is characterised not only by a deep-rooted and fruitful relationship with the productive realities of the territory, but also by the particular attention dedicated to the interdisciplinary nature of the degree programmes through innovative teaching tools and supports which aim to transmit to students a method of reading contemporary reality based on dialogue with people of all cultures, in the spirit of an authentic community of life and research.

The geographical and scholastic origin of the Economics students of the Piacenza and Cremona Campuses is very heterogeneous and this heterogeneity, in addition to representing a great cultural richness, constitutes a great stimulus for comparison and exchange of different experiences.
The values that inspire university life on the Piacenza and Cremona campuses are those of seriousness of study, merit, "teamwork", sharing, solidarity, research, discussion and passion for excellence.
These are campuses where it is possible to reconcile the quality of study with the quality of life.

The mission of the Faculty of Economics and Law is to provide value-creating education, support activities aimed at the advancement of students and society, and design research for local and international scope. It is rooted in the Piacenza-Cremona area but open to the world.

Mission Statement

The economics degree programmes and courses are aimed at all those students interested in deepening the problems concerning the management and development strategies of companies operating in the various sectors of activity, such as the sectors of industry, agriculture, credit and finance, commerce, liberal professions, public administration,  of the non-profit sector. In particular, the aim of these programmes is to train those managerial and entrepreneurial skills that are increasingly necessary to face the new competitive challenges of companies in a socio-economic context of great complexity and discontinuity compared to the past.

The courses and degree programmes in the legal class are structured to meet the employment needs of a society that today, and in the future, together with the classic roles typical of the legal professions, needs legal experts who know how to respond to the multifaceted needs of companies, public and private institutions, and international organisations in a context characterised by digitisation and technological development.

I believe that the contemporary university, while it has the duty to collaborate for the progress of the sciences and to follow the methodology required by each of them, must never put in second place what requires the recognition of its primacy, that is, man, the human person, the world of spirituality

Father Agostino Gemelli, Founder of Università Cattolica