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Dean: Prof. Antonella Occhino

The Faculty of Economics is aimed at those who believe that with daily commitment and passion a solid competence can be built, at those who believe they have a potential to put into play, at those who want to take on a role of responsibility for themselves and for others in the society in which they live. Studying Economics at Università Cattolica means reflecting responsibly on the meaning of economics and its aims, it means building a finance system that is closer to the real economy, capable of responding to the environmental and social challenges of our time, it means bringing each person back to his or her main responsibility, that of giving breath and energy to development.

The words of the future: Invest, Include, Innovate

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Campuses and Degree Programmes:

Rigour and value are the principles that identify the Faculty of Economics of Università Cattolica

Development is not in itself guaranteed by impersonal and automatic forces, but needs people like you who push it forward by living the call of the common good, building those structural roots necessary to make it lasting, balanced and inclusive. Studying Economics at Università Cattolica therefore means being part of a building of skills capable of prudence and courage: the prudence with which we dialogue, the courage with which we act.

Right intention, transparency and the search for good results also make the economic act moral and guide all of us towards a possible development, supported by professional preparation and consistency of actions. We are committed to training professionals who in the future will be able to combine responsibility - individual and collective - with competence. Competence that for us means quality and completeness of the programs, high scientific value of the teachers and teaching, sinking its roots in a historical and famous tradition that has contributed to increasing the solid reputation of being one of the best economic faculties at an international level.

The programmes of the Faculty of Economics are based on a solid foundation of fundamental courses, generally common to all the majors, in the first two years of the undergraduate programme, integrated in the study plans with the more specific and characterising courses of the third year.

The aim is to provide basic skills, on which to build one's course of study with freedom and awareness. The educational offer also includes an evening programme, thus expanding the possibilities of access to studies even to those who already have work commitments.

At the Milan campus, the Faculty is divided into five degree programmes, each of which includes different profiles, designed and built taking into account the needs of reality and the job market, from which students can choose according to their interests, aspirations and inclinations.

The degree programme in Economics and Management of Services (ministerial class L-18 - Economics and Business Management) is active at the Rome campus. This training project is the result of the collaboration between the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery which, together with the adjoining "Policlinico A. Gemelli" University Hospital and, thanks to the connection between scientific activity and research, guarantees a high level of preparation. The degree programme offers a combination of skills that is unique in the Italian panorama, consisting of a base of economic preparation and content in business and health management.

I believe that the contemporary university, while it has the duty to collaborate for the advancement of the sciences and to follow the methodology required by each of them, must never put in second place what requires the recognition of its primacy, that is, man, the human person, the world of spirituality

Father Agostino Gemelli, Founder of Università Cattolica