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Dean: Prof. Stefano Solimano

The Faculty of Law was one of the first faculties established at Università Cattolica (1924). It is one of the most sought-after teaching structures of the University and is certainly one of the most authoritative and prestigious in Italy and abroad, for the high academic and scientific qualification of its professors (mostly full professors), for the care dedicated to the technical, cultural and human preparation of students, for the level of its scientific research, for the ability to recognize and stimulate merit, for the ever-widening international openness and for the enhancement of practical experiences from the world of institutions and professions.

A workshop of rules, a lively intersection of human and cultural experiences

In order to promote the "internationalization of knowledge", the Faculty Council has decided to create a special Chair that will be assigned on a rotating basis to foreign professors visiting Università Cattolica. The Chair is named after Giorgio Balladore Pallieri (1905-1980), Professor of International Law, Constitutional Law and Doctrine of the State at the Faculty of Law, and for a long time Dean of the same, as well as President of the European Court of Human Rights. 

In addition to the typical legal professions, the Faculty also prepares for the many other job opportunities for which legal training is required: in business, public administration, teaching, research, international organizations and European Union institutions.

The courses taught in the Faculty aim, in particular, to provide students with the tools for a rigorous and qualified preparation, suitable, as is the spirit and cultural tradition of Università Cattolica, for the formation of professionally and humanly "complete" jurists, endowed with solid legal competence, but also with the ability to face the problems of the society in which they will operate with critical thinking, aptitude for dialogue and communication, relational sensitivity and, above all, a sense of justice. 

In order to carry out scientific research activities, the professors of the Faculty of Law belong to the Department of Legal Sciences, the Department of Private and Public Economic Law and the Institute of International Studies, as well as, depending on the particular subject or research areas covered, to various research centres, university centres or graduate schools.

I believe that the contemporary university, while it has the duty to collaborate for the progress of the sciences and to follow the methodology required by each of them, must never put in second place what requires the recognition of its primacy, that is, man, the human person, the world of spirituality

Father Agostino Gemelli, Founder of Università Cattolica