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Medicine and Surgery


Dean: Prof. Antonio Gasbarrini

"Our aim is to train doctors and healthcare professionals of excellence capable of dealing with all types of patients and health-related problems. On this journey, our girls and boys will be able to have access to the most modern teaching systems, the best technologies, cultured and motivated teachers, a Campus equipped with one of the best hospitals in the world and a network of solidarity initiatives that will allow them to experience that health is not only hyper-technological but is above all taking care of the basic needs of man.

Professionals trained at Università Cattolica will be able to treat not only diseased organs but will also have to take on the full burden of the person in front of them, aware that the most modern and innovative therapies can do little if the Person is not taken care of in his or her entirety, physical and spiritual. A spiritual totality in which, as Pope Francis affirms, the biological and spiritual, cultural and relational, planning and environmental dimensions of the human being in the path of life are harmonised"

The words of the future: Science, Health, Charity

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Campuses and Degree Programmes:

THE Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

The Faculty was established on the initiative of the founder of the University, Father Agostino Gemelli, and was founded in Rome at the behest of Pope Pius XI, who donated to the Giuseppe Toniolo Institute of Higher Education the ownership of the land on which the first university buildings were erected, opened to students in 1961, and the connected Polyclinic, operational since 1964.

Within the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery there are different types of degree programmes, with a diversified educational offer in the medical and health field, able to offer different specialisation paths. The main teaching location is Rome, at the Università Cattolica, but there are several parallel locations in other Italian cities and regions.

This Faculty provides modern technical and scientific equipment, but above all it allows you to benefit from the close connection with "Policlinico A. Gemelli", a university hospital with over 1500 beds between admissions and day hospitals, capable of performing tens of thousands of services in the Emergency Department every year and more than 9 million total services and outpatient clinics: those who enrol at Università Cattolica thus have the unique opportunity not only to study medicine, but to 'live' it.

I believe that the contemporary university, while it has the duty to collaborate for the advancement of the sciences and to follow the methodology required by each of them, must never put in second place what requires the recognition of its primacy, that is, man, the human person, the world of spirituality

Father Agostino Gemelli, Founder of Università Cattolica