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Equal Opportunities Committee

Policy and tasks of the Equal Opportunities Committee

The Committee for Equal Opportunities of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is a representative body of professors, administrative and technical staff, students and postgraduate specialising students, whose purpose is to promote and implement, in the ways and forms provided for in this regulation, activities aimed at achieving equal opportunities within Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

Committee tasks
In paying particular attention to the status of women and all categories susceptible to discrimination, the Committee has the following tasks:

  • develop proposals for initiatives and measures aimed at removing any obstacles that hinder the full realization of equal opportunities in the university environment, in study, research, teaching, work and assistance;
  • promote the inclusion of women in roles and positions in which they are under-represented;
  • enhance the workers' professional skills in order to favour the balance between family and professional responsibilities, through appropriate work organisation;
  • promote equal opportunities for Università Cattolica graduates and postgraduate specialising students as they enter the world of work by carrying out statistical surveys and analyses and by developing proposals and initiatives;
  • propose solutions that will rectify any harmful behaviour towards those who work within Università Cattolica related to sexual discrimination, including through proper information on the relevant legislation and on the protection measures set out in the statute;
  • develop proposals for actions aimed at guaranteeing and developing equal opportunities in Università Cattolica and monitoring its implementation.

The Committee also:

  • carries out a cultural action aimed at promoting equal opportunities, including through analyses aimed at understanding the working and study conditions within the Università Cattolica, as well as through the enhancement of scientific activities aimed at raising awareness on the topic, as well as through the promotion and enhancement of scientific and teaching activities on topics of interest to the Committee and the organization of training courses; seminars and conferences.
  • It also provides support for those who consider themselves to be victims of discrimination or harmful behaviour.
  • submits a yearly report to the Rector on the working and study conditions within Università Cattolica, indicating situations or facts of presumed discrimination.
  • promotes awareness of their initiatives, as well as national and international ones on equal opportunities.

E-mail contact:

Prof Raffaella Iafrate

Full Professors' Representative
Prof Elena Riva

Associate Professors' Representative
Prof Chiara Continisio

University Researchers' Representative
Dr. Antonio Campati

Administrative and technical staff representatives

Milan Campus
Ms Giuseppina Mariani
Dr Maria Rossignoli

Brescia Campus
Dr Antonella Olivari

Representatives of postgraduate students 

Milan Campus
Ms Eugenia GORINI

Rome Campus
Dr Daniela FLORIO
