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Business, media and organizational communication


Domestic applicants
International applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-19 (Information and publishing systems) - LM-59 (Advertising and communication for the public and private sectors)

Each programme of the Business, Media and Organizational Communication programme includes an operational part that allows students to develop advanced skills and abilities in the strategic management of communication processes, also through digital tools. It represents an integral and essential educational element of the Graduate Programme, fundamental in the placement phase.

The Degree Programme includes the following modules, which are included in the teaching programmes:

Web Analytics and Web Reputation: provides the skills to read and manage data relating to the circulation and effectiveness of content and campaigns on the web, also through the use of digital applications; It provides the skills to assess and improve the reputation of content, brands and individuals in digital spaces.

Web Analytics and Digital Marketing: provides the skills to read and manage data relating to the dissemination and effectiveness of content and campaigns on the web, also through the use of digital applications; It provides the skills to plan and develop communications and campaigns in digital environments, and to evaluate their outcomes.

Audience Intelligence and Audience Development: provides the necessary skills to identify audiences, measure them, describe them in a concise way, identifying the most useful actions to extend and consolidate them.

Audiovisual for business communication: provides the skills to manage the strategic-creative process of brand construction and communication, developing design skills, knowledge of the main formats and techniques (advertainment, experience, hype, cocreation, trolling,..) and expertise in content generation and management.

Brand entertainment: provides the skills to develop engaging and innovative brand narratives, including in the choice of directors and in the mixing of languages and formats (in English).

Business plan: provides the advanced skills necessary to draw up a business plan, considering in particular its positive effects on the management of the company's activities and the achievement of strategic objectives.

Cultural Diplomacy: provides the skills to enhance cultural heritage as a tool for intercultural dialogue and diplomacy (in English).  

Developmental Phsycology: provides the skills to manage complex groups and relationships, with particular reference to training contexts (in English).  

Digital and Soft skills: includes a series of courses aimed at developing the main skills necessary for the management of online communication: construction of an editorial plan, SEO and SEM enhancement of content, ideation and creative skills; It also includes courses aimed at strengthening one's soft skills.   

Digital Marketing Project: provides the necessary skills to develop marketing projects in a digital environment

Elements of disciplinary didactics: provides the necessary skills to effectively transfer complex sociological knowledge into didactic and educational contexts.

Excel and Financial Statement Applications and Principles of Accounting: provide the skills to use the main applications for the management of information in complex organizations and processes, with particular regard to Excel.

Event ideation, design, and management: Provides the skills to ideate, design, and manage offline events and hybrid events.

Media Relation: provides the skills necessary to manage the relationship with the media and the brand image

Digital methods for analysis: provides the skills to use digital tools for social research (e.g. Social Network Analysis) and big data analysis.

New Challenges for the Cultural Industries: a series of meetings, readings and visions on the challenges of the cultural and creative industry and on the key issues that cross the international debate

Marketing Plan: provides the basic skills necessary to develop a marketing plan with reference to its different phases: from market analysis, to the definition of objectives, strategies and action plans, up to the evaluation of the results achieved.

Pitching and Public Speaking: provide the logical, strategic, graphic and visual skills necessary to effectively present ideas, projects and papers (in Italian and English)

Positioning and launch of a media product: provides the skills to strategically position cultural and media content in communication flows; Promote; assess the correctness and effectiveness of the strategic choices made.

Qualitative and quantitative research: provides the skills in the use of the main tools of psycho-social research, both qualitative and quantitative, even in a virtual environment.

Service Design: provides the skills to build an experiential path to create a valuable service for the customer, able to respond to specific needs (in English).

Storytelling and Crossmediality: provides the skills to develop narratives in complex media contexts, through the use of hybrid languages, and with attention to different situations of use.

Tool for Social Research and Data Analysis: provides the basic skills for big data management and analysis, including the basics of programming

Self Branding and Job Positioning Workshop: provides the necessary skills to position oneself correctly on the job market and to successfully face interviews and selection steps.

Dissertation workshop: provides the skills to deal profitably with the dissertation path: from the focus of the research question, to the definition of methods and indicators, up to the presentation of the results and their discussion.