Info for
Prospective Students
Cattolica Students
International Students
Academic Staff
Institutions, Companies and Professions


Digital content management for media, corporate communication and cultural heritage


Domestic applicants
International applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-19 (Information and publishing systems)

What is an Internship

The curricular internship, included in the study plan in the second year of the programme, allows students to put into practice the skills and abilities acquired through the practical workshops and the teachings attended in the first three semesters of the programme. The internship represents an important moment of personal and professional growth and can also be a starting point for the realization of the dissertation.


Internship tutor references

Deborah Paola Gaudio
Office hours: by appointment upon reservation by email
Location: on a deferred basis, on an online platform.


Internship Specific Details

  • Duration: the internship must have a minimum of 300 hours in order for the 12 ECTS required in the study plan to be recognized.
  • Constraints: the internship is an integral part of the second-year study plan and is therefore compulsory.
  • N° ECTS assigned to the internship: 12
  • Method of awarding ECTS:
    The ECTS are awarded during a special exam session in deferred mode. For the recognition of ECTS, it is mandatory to obtain a positive evaluation by the company carried out through a special online questionnaire at the end of the internship.


Regulations - Procedures for activation, conduct and recognition of the Internship

Contact person: Dr. Deborah Paola Gaudio

1. The Curricular Internship
The Graduate Degree in Digital Content Management for Media, Corporate Communication and Cultural Heritage includes 12 ECTS of internship and internship activities. The internship experience is the necessary completion of the didactic and workshop activities of the course of study, the extension of the simulations and projects developed in the classroom, and the opportunity to measure oneself against the professional challenges that the world of communication poses today. The internship activity has a minimum duration of 300 hours (three months full time or six months part time).

2. Types of curricular internships
The 12 ECTS for the curricular internship activities of the Graduate Degree Programme in Digital Content Management for Media, Business and Cultural Heritage can be acquired by students in the following ways:

  1. Internships offered by companies and available on the platform or reported to students on a monthly basis by the tutors of the course of study (proposed internship)
  2. Internships proposed by the student (self-proposed internship), based on personal contacts with the company. The student, supported by the internship tutor, can also give indications on the interests and tasks he would like to carry out and the tutor will support him in the search and selection of a company that meets the needs expressed during the interview.
  3. Recognition of professional activities carried out by the student, in areas recognized as valid by the Tutor with his/her educational path.

The following will NOT be recognized as valid:

  • all those professional activities carried out within companies in which people related to the candidate with any degree of kinship are employed;
  • any internship activity that has already produced training ECTS for the purpose of obtaining a undergraduate degree and/or a Graduate degree;
  • all internships activated as "curricular with zero ECTS".

The curricular internship activity with ECTS can be activated in the second year of the programme and, except for special situations/opportunities that will be evaluated by the internship tutor, will be carried out in the second semester. Information on internship proposals and any interviews will be sent by email to the internship tutors; We therefore recommend that you consult your e-mail address regularly.

3. The activation of curricular internships
The curricular internship of types A and B (see point 2) must be activated on  as a curricular internship with ECTS, with the following procedure.

4. The interruption of the curricular internship
Those who need to interrupt the internship must have their company contact contact the Internship and Placement office (Tel. 030 2406.451/289 - Fax 030 2406.279 - putting the internship tutor in copy, specifying the reasons for the interruption. The internship tutors will consider whether to recognize a part of the internship ECTS.

5. The extension of the curricular internship
Students can extend the internship activity in the form of the "zero ECTS curricular" internship. At the end of the training project with ECTS, the student must contact the Internship and Placement office and request the activation of a new training project without ECTS.

6. Recognition of the curricular Internship (with ECTS)
The recognition of curricular internships follows different procedures depending on the type of internship activated (see point 2). For type A and B internships, which provide, as written, for the registration of the company and the internship through, the recognition will follow the following path:

  • starting from the end of the internship, the company will be invited (by communication from the Internship and Placement office) to fill in an online form on the page;
  •  the company will be able to access the platform using the same credentials provided during registration and used to start the internship;
  • In the "Internships and Traineeships" box, the company contact person must click on the "Consult internship history" button, select the name of the intern and click on "Evaluate project";
  • the company can fill in the questionnaire from 5 days before the end of the internship to 30 days after the end of the internship;
  • Only upon a positive evaluation by the company, the tutor will be able to proceed with the recognition of the internship and the related training ECTS, informing the student to register for the scheduled exams available on the website;
  • If, after 30 days from the end of the internship, the company has not completed the questionnaire, the tutor will contact the company contact person indicated in the training project, sending him the evaluation questionnaire in Word format. This questionnaire must then be returned to the Internship and Placement office, which will upload it manually to the portal. 

For type C internships, the student must submit a letter signed by the legal representative of the company which indicates: type of contract, type of classification, date of employment and duration of the contract, duties performed by the employee. Please note that the work activity must be inherent to the course of study. In these cases, the time it takes to complete the procedure and upload the ECTS will be longer. Students are kindly requested to take this into account and to complete the procedure well in advance of the end of their studies.

7. Internship Abroad
GECO encourages students to carry out their internship period abroad. There are two types of internships abroad:

  1. internships offered by foreign companies and available on the platform ;
  2. Internship proposed by the student.

The procedures for activating the internship and recognising the activity carried out are the same as those illustrated in point 2 et seq.


Internship proposals can be viewed on the portal . The Tutor can also send you proposals directly to your iCatt mailbox.

The internship must be activated through the portal . If the company does not have an agreement, it must proceed with the registration phase through the indicated portal and follow the instructions that will be sent by email from time to time. Only when the agreement has been activated will the company be able to activate the training project, which must be approved by the student and the Tutor.

The recognition of ECTS will be carried out online after the company has completed the questionnaire that will be found on the company's personal page by accessing the portal .
The tutor will communicate the positive outcome to the student, who must register for the scheduled exams that can be consulted online on the website.

To fill in the questionnaire, the company must:

  • Sign in to the portal with your corporate credentials
  • In the list you will have to find the name of the trainee and click on "EVALUATE INTERNSHIP"

The company can fill in the questionnaire from 5 days before the end of the internship to 30 days after the end of the internship. Only when the questionnaire is completed, the Tutor will be able (in case of a positive evaluation) to approve it.

The internship activity has a minimum duration of 300 hours (three months full time or six months part time). The student is invited to carefully check the duration of the internship indicated in the proposal and, if selected by the company, to check the hourly conditions during the interview.

The suspension of an internship and the consequent cancellation of the training project must take place with the authorization of the Tutor. The Tutor has the duty to verify the reasons that led to the interruption of the internship period with all the parties involved. If the company positively evaluates the activity carried out by the trainee resource, the hours of internship actually carried out can be recognized and an additional activity can be agreed with the Tutor to cover the missing hours. The request for suspension must be sent by the company to the Internship and Placement office (Tel. 030 2406.451/289 - Fax 030 2406.279) -, putting the internship tutor in copy, specifying the reasons for the interruption.

Once the curricular internship with ECTS has been completed, it can be extended as a curricular internship to ZERO ECTS by following the procedures indicated on .

Yes, you can. The procedures for activating the internship abroad are described in the Regulations.

Internship proposals abroad can be searched on the portal or on the UCSC international website 

  • 9.1 Does the internship and placement portal also offer internship positions abroad? Yes. To find internship positions abroad more quickly, it is advisable to scroll through the online internship notice board, then click on "Search for foreign advertisements". Attention: before leaving for any destination, do not forget to check the Farnesina website
  • 9.2 Where can I find internship offers abroad on the UCSC International website? To search for internship offers abroad on the UCSC international website, please consult the International Relations ( pages.

Yes. All companies with which you have an internship agreement must register on the portal . This procedure must also be carried out in the case of companies already listed on the UCSC international portal . The company carries out the registration procedure, entering its data and the student's training project, following the "Curricular Internship with ECTS" path. Registration on the portal is essential for the internship to be recognized for curricular purposes (i.e. it produces ECTS). It is advisable to complete the entire procedure before departure.

As described in the Regulations, the recognition of internship ECTS provides for the same procedure in use for curricular internships in Italian companies. Following the positive evaluation of the company (by means of a questionnaire to be uploaded on the portal ), the Tutor will record the training ECTS.

Internship recognition takes place through the portal . The Tutor will be made visible and assessable only for completed internships with a completed company questionnaire. Upon submission of the dissertation, students are required to check with UC-Point that the ECTS of the internship activity have been registered. If you have any problems, please contact the Tutor immediately.