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Faculty of: EDUCATION

Educational sciences and services to the person


Domestic applicants
International applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-85 (Education)

Educational Sciences and Services to the Person

The Graduate Degree Programme in Educational Sciences and Services to the Person trains the figure of the pedagogue pursuant to Law 205/2017, paragraph 595. It allows, therefore, the refinement of the profile of the professional socio-pedagogical educator acquired in the undergraduate degree programme in educational and training sciences, and to deepen the knowledge and educational and training skills of graduates from other types of undergraduate degree programmes.

The training course of the Graduate Degree Programme in Educational Sciences and Services to the Person is structured in such a way as to guarantee adequate training to the different and varied areas of intervention of the figure of the pedagogue related to the coordination of services to the person, suitable for practicing planning and research, in the educational, school, social-welfare fields, as well as training activities, of research and experimentation. Specifically, graduates will be able to offer pedagogical advice with respect to complex educational problems, to manage and coordinate personal services within the breadth of their intervention target (services, socio-educational facilities and multiple intervention practices) and with specific attention to the particularities of the Land in which they operate.

Among the salient features of this programme, the interdisciplinary profile stands out, which will allow the student to acquire knowledge and skills to define a professionalism capable of immersing itself in today's complexity, of measuring up to the emerging challenges with regard to intervention in personal services, of collaborating with other professional figures and of moving with mastery in the field of their competence.

Finally, the workshops and internships included in the study plan will allow students to concretely deepen, through first-hand involvement, crucial elements for a greater understanding of the characteristics of educational work in the field.



The Degree programme aims to train the student in the professional figure of the pedagogue through the deepening of knowledge and the acquisition of skills in the disciplines included in the field of study of educational sciences. The aim is to provide adequate preparation for carrying out high-profile professional assignments in the broad field of action of personal services. To this end, the degree programme intends to develop some areas of expertise in different contexts of intervention. Specifically, the following training objectives will be achieved.

1. Coordination.

  • Develop the organizational management skills necessary for an effective coordination of operational realities related to personal services.

2. Planning.

  • Analyze the complexity of the pedagogical intervention within epistemological frameworks that allow an adequate reading and adherent to a non-reductionist vision of the person.
  • Acquire a specific professional competence in the planning and evaluation of services, interventions, etc., with particular attention to the complexity of the levels involved (individual, relational, family, territorial, economic, institutional).
  • Know and be able to connect models and languages of intervention with the different targets to which one can address.

3. Counselling and intervention.

  • Provide pedagogical advice at the level of personal services.
  • To encourage, through interdisciplinary preparation, the development of intervention methodologies open to the different dimensions that characterize the person, with particular reference to relational and systemic aspects.

4. Training and Supervision

  • To carry out a supervision of and in the services through the reading, analysis and support of the different pedagogical cultures of educators and operators at an interdisciplinary level.

5. Research

  • l Develop epistemological reflective skills in the field of scientific and academic investigation and field intervention;
  • Properly use the methods and tools of research within the profession and as a resource for professional development.

The educational objective is also to acquire a good command of at least one language of the European Union, with particular reference to the vocabulary of the subject areas of reference.
In the first year of the programme, knowledge and skills are acquired in the pedagogical-didactic and philosophical fields, as well as foreign language and computer science. In the second year, the knowledge and skills acquired concern – in addition to the pedagogical fields – psychological, sociological, historical, legal and economic.