Info for
Prospective Students
Cattolica Students
International Students
Academic Staff
Institutions, Companies and Professions

Faculty of: EDUCATION

Educational sciences and services to the person


Domestic applicants
International applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-85 (Education)

Career opportunities

The figure that outlines the programme is that of the pedagogue specialized in the organization and coordination of educational services.
Graduates will be able to:

  • operate an effective coordination of the service and a management of the organizational reality inspired by educational leadership;
  • grasp the link between the knowledge made available by the educational sciences and that of other domains of knowledge such as that of historical, philosophical, legal, economic, sociological and psychological disciplines;
  • coordinate and organise personal services in the various territorial contexts (local, regional, national, European) related to different life and work situations;
  • apply communication and relational skills to promote networking between institutions and structures involved in the social services system;
  • achieve a precise ability to read educational needs (individual and collective), and in particular to adopt a relational and systemic perspective in the management of intervention in the field of professions oriented to the service of the person;
  • design and evaluate pedagogical interventions, even complex ones, in relation to the needs of the various personal services - provided by public and private bodies, and of the third sector - on the basis of a scientifically based reading of the context.

The target professional will be the pedagogue able to take on coordination and planning tasks in local personal services, possessing analytical, synthetic and interdisciplinary skills. They will be able to carry out high-profile professional assignments in institutional, public and private contexts, which require structural skills and expert advice in the field of personal services and training in both theoretical and applied fields. Graduates will also be able to work professionally in the various bodies of the public administration in accordance with the provisions of current legislation (state and regional) and public selection notices.
Specifically, the training of the following professional figures is envisaged:

  • pedagogist in personal services and in other public and private organizations and agencies;
  • coordinator of local personal services provided by public and private bodies;
  • consultant in various agencies and personal services: school, social and socio-cultural services, private entities, public administration, volunteering, national and international cooperation;
  • consultant in the planning and management of interventions in the different types of services in the educational and training field.