Info for
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Institutions, Companies and Professions


Labour management and communication for organisations


Domestic applicants
International applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-88 (Sociology and social research)

The format

LACOR is structured in a common part and a specific part, according to two different curricula: Communication for Organisations and Businesses (COR) and Work and Enterprise Management - People, Strategies for Sustainability, Challenges of Digitalisation (ERGOLABOS). To facilitate the attendance of courses and personal study activities, LACOR divides its teaching offer into four days a week, so as to leave the student the necessary time for study, personal and group work. In the second semester of the second year of the programme, there are normally no classroom activities, so as  to allow students to carry out their internship without having to give up attending courses.


A qualifying content of both curricula is the possibility of participating in workshops activities with a high professionalising content.

Study Plans

To obtain the Graduate degree, at least 120 university credits must be acquired.

Each exam is awarded a certain number of credits, the same for all students, and a grade (expressed in thirtieths) that varies according to the level of preparation.

The mark awarded in the final examination is expressed in one hundred and tenths.

The degree programme offers the possibility to choose between two different curricula:

  • Communication for Organisations and Businesses (COR);
  • Work and Enterprise Management - People, Sustainability Strategies, Challenges of Digitalization (ERGOLABOS)


This graduate programme curriculum trains professionals able to operate in companies with tasks related to organisational development, general management, human resources management conceived as people to be valued in their entirety and uniqueness, sustainability strategies and the challenges opened up by the digital transition. This approach derives from the observation that the contemporary company – operating in a complex environment subject to incessant changes –  requires multiple skills, which flexibly integrate technical knowledge and socio-cultural and ethical sensitivity.

The main career opportunities are: the management and direction of companies and other public, private and private-social organisations, with particular regard to the areas of personnel selection and training, human capital development and evaluation, innovation design and management, corporate welfare, corporate social responsibility and sustainability, diversity management, internal and external communication; business consultancy; research and design activities in the research offices of companies, public bodies and trade associations; the function of intermediation on the labour market and head hunting at employment centres and recruitment agencies; the launch of innovative start-ups.

This graduate programme curriculum provides the skills required to understand the complex phenomena of communication in contemporary reality and to develop effective communication strategies, consistent with the objectives of public, private and private-social organisations.

The multidisciplinary approach provides tools that allow you to master communication processes with awareness, overcoming sectoral perspectives, and to design communication plans based on the integrated use of multiple media tools.
The main professional opportunities are in the management of press offices and communication and marketing areas in public, private and private-social companies and organisations; in the management of the strategic communication of political groups, associations and trade unions through traditional and new media; in the management of public relations services of private companies, organisations and public administrations; in the research activity at institutes that deal with polls and monitoring of public opinion.