Info for
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Institutions, Companies and Professions


Innovation and digital entrepreneurship


Domestic applicants
International applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-77 (Management)
Prof. Antoldi, coordinator of the degree course

The limited number of students enrolled for this degree programme is functional to a highly participatory teaching, which will privilege classroom interaction between professors/lecturers and students and the systematic use of group work, individual assignments, participation in projects and direct experiences (on campus and in the company), also aimed at encouraging "learning by doing" processes for students, supported by company mentors and coordinated by academic tutors. In addition, in parallel with classroom teaching, other supplementary teaching activities are planned during both years of the graduate degree programme in the form of laboratories and hours of lessons carried out with the active participation of consulting firms, IT companies and partner companies. These activities are aimed at developing students' mindset, soft skills and the cultural background necessary to foster creative and flexible thinking, interacting in teams and with business organisations.

The educational project of this graduate degree sees the direct participation of companies in the students' experience. Through special agreements, a pool of leading innovation companies, IT companies and players in the innovation e-system and startups will engage in a close and constant collaboration with the degree programme.

At the moment, the following companies are already official members of the steering committee of this degree programme: ARVEDI Group, Bosch Group, Agile Marketing Italia, Antares vision, APP Quality, C2 Corporate, C2 GROUP, COBOX, ComoNExT, CRIT, Cyberoo, Digital Magics, Digital Technologies, Direct Channel, DuePer, Duferco Italia, Fabbricadigitale, GAMM System, IAG (Italian Angels for Growht), INCODE, IT IMPRESA, KLARNA, Le Village by CA in Milan and Parma, Growens GROUP, MICRO-DATA GROUP, Net4Market, PRO WORLD STUDIO, REI Reindustria Innovazione, TRAKTI, VALUE GROUP, Xeo4 RILHEVA,  URBAN HUB PIACENZA, WyLab. Other companies are joining this first nucleus.

They actively contributed to the design of the degree programme, verifying that the content of the courses and the professional profile actually corresponded to the needs of the market. The partner companies support the programme with seminars, internships, mentoring activities and co-participation in the projects that students will carry out during their studies, so as to make an active contribution to the development of the soft-skills necessary for entry into the digital sector labour market.  Also thanks to them, for some students the final examination can also take the form of a real innovative start-up project, with which they will be able to realise their business idea in the ICT sector.

In addition to the official teaching activities, students are offered various field experiences during the graduate degree programme. Thanks to the direct collaboration of partner companies, in fact, it is possible to take part in product testing projects, pivoting on apps or IT solutions, collecting and consolidating ideas for development. Visits to innovative companies, technology parks, start-up incubators are also organised to learn about excellent business cases and develop concrete skills. Finally, an essential element in the students' training is the final internship, which can be carried out at partner companies or other companies (both national and international) selected by the student.
Among the companies that have welcomed students in internships are Accenture, BIPConsuling, Copan, Deloitte Officine Innovazione, Excellence Innovation, iDigital, KPMG, PWC, VHIT.

This degree programme also offers the MyMentor! programme.
It allows each student to interact individually during a semester with a mentor (manager, consultant or entrepreneur), willing to guide them in understanding the dynamics of the world of work and in planning the first steps of the professional path.
The programme accompanies the participants in the project in the acquisition of a greater awareness of their professional aptitudes and inclinations, up to the realisation of an autonomous balance of their skills.