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Faculty of: EDUCATION

Media education


Domestic applicants
International applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-93 (E-learning and media education)

Piermarco Aroldi, coordinator of the programme, describes its main features

"The media is no longer a screen you look at, a radio you listen to. They are an atmosphere, an environment in which we are immersed, which envelops us and penetrates us from all sides. Media is a new way to be alive."
-- Carlo Maria Martini

The Graduate Degree Programme in Media Education, belonging to class LM-93 Theories and methodologies of e-learning and media education, is aimed at integrating knowledge related to education and training with that related to communication, including technologically mediated. This integration aims at the training of a plurality of professional figures able to operate in the different areas of convergence between education and communication, in institutional, business and third sector training contexts.


The programme involves the acquisition of solid disciplinary and methodological skills in both areas of communication and education, as well as their functional integration. At the end of the programme, the graduate in Media Education will have in-depth knowledge of: the design, implementation, evaluation of educational interventions, both in presence and in the different formats of blended education and e-learning that involve the use of communication technologies and the network in training processes; forms of educational intervention aimed at developing a critical sense, autonomy of orientation, analytical skills and conscious and responsible use of technologies, services and audiovisual, multimedia and network products, with particular attention to risk prevention in adolescence; teaching methodologies to integrate traditional learning strategies with multimedia, interactive, collaborative and distance learning strategies; the management and coordination of communication/educational processes and services in the various contexts of training (institutional, private, associative, non-profit); the conception and creation of products and communicative environments of an educational or training nature; the design of research and development activities in the field of Media education and e-learning.

Graduates in Media Education will therefore be able to enter formal, non-formal and informal educational environments with the qualification of Pedagogist, where they will be able to carry out functions of planning, coordination and evaluation of educational, training and pedagogical consultancy interventions. They will be able to act in different work contexts such as: local services and garrisons of a socio-educational and social integration nature (public bodies, third sector, private companies); vocational training institutions; the training of teachers and school leaders on issues related to the use of communication technologies in schools, media literacy and digital citizenship; the university and higher education environment; services and organisations aimed at risk prevention work in pre-adolescence and adolescence; the field of cultural animation, leisure and cultural production of an editorial, audiovisual and multimedia nature;  the different sectors of work that deal with the training of trainers (school, profit and non-profit, public, health).

If you want more information, you can book an orientation interview with Prof. Aroldi, coordinator of the programme, by sending an email to: