Info for
Prospective Students
Cattolica Students
International Students
Academic Staff
Institutions, Companies and Professions




Domestic applicants
International applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-78 (Philosophy)

Internship Tutor
Dr. Georgia Conte -
Office hours by appointment arranged by email



The Graduate programmes include 6 optional ECTS for internships and internships in the 2nd year. The internship experience is an opportunity to measure oneself against the world of work in the field of cultural professions. The internship activity has a minimum duration of 150 hours (one month full time).



The 6 ECTS for the curricular internship activities of the Graduate Programme can be acquired by students in a priority manner according to the following methods:


(A) Internships proposed by companies and available on the platform or reported to students by the tutor of the Graduate Programme (proposed internship)

(B) Internships proposed by the student (self-proposed internship), based on personal contacts with the company.

The following will NOT be recognised as valid for the purposes of the recognition of the 6 ECTS:

  • all those professional activities carried out within companies in which people related to the candidate with any degree of kinship are employed;
  • any internship activity that has already produced ECTS in other courses (e.g. workshops);
  • all internships activated as "curricular with zero ECTS".

Information on internship proposals and any training meetings will be sent by email to the internship tutor. It is therefore advisable to consult your institutional iCatt e-mail address regularly. 


The curricular internship of types A and B (see point 2) must be activated on as a curricular internship with ECTS.


Those who have serious and justified needs to interrupt the internship must have their company contact contact the Internships and Placements Office ( with a copy of the internship tutor (, specifying the reasons for the interruption. The internship tutor will assess whether to recognize the internship ECTS in relation to the hours worked.


Students can extend the internship activity in the form of the "zero ECTS curricular" internship. At the end of the training project with ECTS, the student must contact the Internship and Placement Office and request the activation of a new training project without ECTS.


For type A and B internships, which provide, as written, for the registration of the company and the internship through, the recognition will follow the following path:

  • Starting from the date of the end of the internship, the company will be invited (by communication from the Internship & Placement Office) to fill in an online form on page;
  • the company will be able to access the platform using the same credentials provided during registration and used to start the internship;
  • In the "Internships and Traineeships" box, the company contact person must click on the "Consult internship history" button, select the name of the intern and click on "Evaluate project";
  • the company can fill in the questionnaire from 5 days before the end of the internship to 30 days after the end of the internship;
  • Only upon a positive evaluation by the company, the tutor will be able to proceed with the recognition of the internship and the related training ECTS;
  • If, after 30 days from the end of the internship, the company has not completed the questionnaire, the tutor will contact the company contact person indicated in the training project, sending him the evaluation questionnaire. This questionnaire must then be returned to the Internship and Placement Office, which will upload it manually to the portal;

Students are allowed to carry out their internship period abroad. Students can take advantage of the advice of the International Relations Office.
The procedures for activating the internship and recognising the activity carried out are the same as those illustrated in point 2 et seq.

  1. What is a curricular internship with ECTS?
    The Curricular Internship (or INTERNSHIP) with ECTS is a DIDACTIC-WORK EXPERIENCE carried out within a company with a defined and agreed training objective.
  2. How can I activate a curricular internship with ECTS included in my study plan?
    Before starting the activation procedure, it is necessary to have an interview with the university tutor to verify the feasibility of the internship.
  3. How does the procedure for activating the curricular internship with ECTS take place?
    The internship must be activated through the portal If the company does not have an agreement, it must proceed with the registration phase through the indicated portal and follow the instructions that will be sent by email from time to time. Only once the agreement has been activated will the company be able to activate the training project, which must be approved by the student and the university tutor.
  4. How long does a curricular internship with ECTS last?
    It is advisable to measure the duration of the experience in the company with the complexity of the training project. The methods for awarding credits and their number vary according to the provisions decided on the subject by the individual Faculties and Degree Courses. 6 ECTS correspond to 150 hours of internship (minimum number of hours) - 3 ECTS correspond to 75 hours of internship (minimum number of hours).
  5. Is it possible to change the duration of an internship?
    The internship that has not yet been completed can be extended for a maximum duration of 30 days. The internship may be interrupted (upon reaching the expected number of hours and/or for other reasons) at the request of the intern and/or the company to the University Tutor.
  6. Where can I do my internship?
    The internship can be carried out in public or private structures such as: institutions, schools, training institutes, associations, cooperatives, non-governmental organizations, professional firms, commercial enterprises, companies, etc. The host structure must have an agreement with the University.
  7. How to obtain the recognition of ECTS? 
    The recognition of ECTS will be  carried out online after the student has delivered the end-of-internship forms delivered by the university tutor.
  8. Who are the Tutors?
    The Company Tutor is the point of reference for the student-intern within the host structure: he explains the details of the work to be done, facilitates integration and fosters contacts with staff within the organization.
    The University Tutor is the figure who supports and accompanies the students' training and learning process.
  9. If I have already obtained ECTS for curricular internship activities, can I still take advantage of the internship tutoring service?
    The service is aimed at students who owe a curricular internship. Students who have already carried out this activity can refer to the University Internship and Placement Service.
  10. Is it possible to acquire internship credits in foreign companies or companies?
    Yes, you can. The procedures for activating the internship abroad are described in the Regulations, and it is also necessary to activate the training project on the portal Yes, it is possible. The procedures for activating the internship abroad are described in the Regulations, and it is also necessary to activate the training project on the portal. Please note that the Internship and Placement Office provides forms in English for non-Italian-speaking institutional subjects.
  11. Foreign companies must also register on the portal 
    Yes. all companies with which you have an internship agreement must register on the Yes portal. All companies with which you have an internship agreement must register on the portal. This procedure must also be carried out in the case of companies already present on the Wea International portal. The company carries out the registration procedure, entering its data and the student's training project, following the "Curricular Internship with ECTS" path. Registration on the portal is essential for the internship to be recognized for curricular purposes (i.e. it produces ECTS). It is advisable to complete the entire procedure before departure
  12. How can I get my internship ECTS acquired abroad recognised?
    The recognition of internship ECTS involves the same procedure as for curricular internships in Italian companies. Upon delivery of the end-of-internship forms, the tutor will record the training ECTS.
  13. Is it possible to send end-of-internship documents by email?

The end-of-internship documentation for obtaining ECTS must be delivered in paper format and in person in order to have an end-of-course discussion with the university tutor.