Info for
Prospective Students
Cattolica Students
International Students
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Domestic applicants
International applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-78 (Philosophy)

The Faculty points out that students should draw up their own study plans according to the three particular profiles that appear first. These are skills or professional profiles structured in line with the three thematic areas, already mentioned above, in which the training offer is substantiated. Students who intend to construct a different study plan must verify the compatibility with the general profile presented last.

The assessment of comprehension, learning and critical analysis skills, oral and written argumentation, historiographical and bibliographical reconstruction, will take place, in the individual courses, through progressive methods and will find its adequate conclusion in the final exam, which will normally be in oral form, but may also include the integrated use of written and multiple-choice questionnaires, or open-ended questionnaires. The assessment procedures will include: traditional oral interviews during the exam, presentation of papers during the seminar with critical discussion, commentary and criticism of philosophical texts, simulation of case-studies, writing of short essays. The time reserved for personal study, as a rule, is equal to at least 50% of the total hourly commitment with the possibility of lower percentages for individual training activities with a high experimental or practical content.

The educational path is guaranteed, in the first place, by the use of the methodologically consolidated methods of philosophy, which provide, in addition to the moment of the lecture by the teacher, the interaction with the students, the use of computer tools, the discussion in the classroom, the preparation of papers by the students and their discussion in seminar form. Students will be helped to understand the different epistemological levels of the topics addressed, to interact in a public space for discussion and to elaborate arguments on an ethical, metaphysical and anthropological level that allow the formation of motivated and shared decisions. To this end, models of simulations of situations inspired by the functioning of ethics committees, discussion sessions regarding scientific experiments or the development of possible guidelines for research in scientific or social-health fields may be used within specific training articulations of the programme.
Within the individual courses, there will be moments of verification of learning and discussion of the results gradually gained. Students will also be helped to orient themselves in the acquisition of information of a scientific nature and in the reconstruction of the terms of the ethical, epistemological, hermeneutical and metaphysical debates present in philosophical thought and its history, also with reference to the questions that place at the center the theme of the human person, considered in his different aspects and in his different relationships. There will also be training sessions through the presence of scholars particularly qualified in the field of philosophical, scientific and historiographical research, and opportunities for discussion with different theoretical perspectives and skills will be developed, so as to allow an articulated vision of the emerging issues in the field of philosophical reflection. Teaching support materials will be made available through the use of the internet and spaces will be set up for on-line interaction.

The duration of the graduate degree programme is an additional two years after the Undergraduate Programme.
To obtain the Graduate degree in Philosophy, students must have acquired at least 120 university ECTS. After passing the final dissertation, the student obtains the Graduate degree in Philosophy. Each exam is awarded a certain number of ECTS, the same for all students and a grade (expressed in thirtieths) that varies according to the level of preparation.