Info for
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Faculty of: PSYCHOLOGY

Psychology for organizations: human resources, marketing, communication


Domestic applicants
International applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-51 (Psychology)

Useful information common to all graduate degree programmes

Among the objectives of the graduate degrees there is also the practice and deepening of the English language acquired during the undergraduate degree. The graduate degree aims at the acquisition of the specific vocabulary of the psychological disciplines that are of interest to the degree programme and at the practice of the language in the professional contexts of reference where such language skills are required. The training is developed through the guided reading of publications and through courses and lectures held by foreign teachers. Customized in-depth programs are also possible. There will be a final exam. Finally, the graduate degrees include some courses taught by visiting professors and activities conducted in English.

The Specialist Modules with Laboratory include small group work with a lecturer or professional and activities in professional contexts outside the university. The aim is to explore and deepen targeted and significant areas of the skills profile focused within each degree programme. A detailed list of the specialist modules with laboratory activated within each graduate degree will be communicated at the beginning of the academic year and made available on the website and in the Faculty Guide.

Organized in small groups of students, they are led by professionals from different areas of psychology, called upon to accompany students in reflection, exploration and orientation on the issues of professional identity, skills and professional practices. They aim to broaden the representations of the psychologist's professionalism to encourage reflection on one's own professional project and offer direct experience in the possible professional positions of reference.

During the second year, students are required to attend the seminar on deontological ethics for the profession of psychologist, to whom 1 training credit is assigned. The seminar is conducted in collaboration with the professional association and aims to raise awareness of the code of ethics for psychologists, as well as to address specific issues for each course of study.

Each graduate degree includes at least 6 ECTS of T.P.V. acquired through internal training activities conducted in small groups and aimed at acquiring personal and operational skills useful for the exercise of the profession of psychologist. In addition to these, there are 14 ECTS of T.P.V. carried out in external affiliated bodies.

At least 120 university credits (ECTS) are required to obtain a two-year graduate degree, which are acquired with:

  • passing exams: each exam is awarded a certain number of ECTS, the same for all students, and a grade (expressed in thirtieths) that varies according to the level of preparation;
  • the successful assessment of other training activities, such as: Specialized Modules with Laboratory, E.P., Seminar on Deontological Ethics.
  • the work of the graduate thesis.

The thesis, whether of an empirical nature or a critical analysis of empirical or theoretical issues, represents a further test of the achievement of the objectives. The thesis is elaborated in an original way by the student under the guidance of a supervisor. The final grade is expressed in 110/110 with possible recognition of honors.

The Faculty offers a wide and varied range of international exchange programmes:

  • Semester abroad – Erasmus, ISEP and Overseas – taking a semester in a European or non-European university.
  • Summer Programmes – Summer School and Focused Programmes Abroad – focused summer activities that allow you to attend one or two curricular courses on some of the best international campuses.
  • Dissertation abroad – to collect data or finalize your dissertation abroad within an international graduation context.
  • Double Degree – obtaining a Double Degree with other European Universities.
  • Work Experience Abroad – international internship experiences with extracurricular value.

The International Exchanges Commission, specifically set up within the Faculty of Psychology, provides interested students with guidance, support in the choice and validation of study programmes in foreign universities every year. The Commission also ensures that the credits and hours of the courses taken abroad are comparable to those of the curricular courses, that the programmes are equivalent to those of the courses of our University, and that the examinations abroad are validated on return to Italy.

For those wishing to continue their research activity, there is the possibility of accessing, through a competition, the PhD at the Doctoral School in Psychology.

In addition, with a view to lifelong and continuing professional training, a rich offer of advanced courses and master's courses is planned as part of the Agostino Gemelli Graduate School.

Graduates can access the profession of Psychotherapist after qualification obtained through enrolment and passing training courses provided by the schools of psychotherapy and by the university schools of specialization in the psychological area, including the School of Specialization in Clinical Psychology, the School of Specialization in Neuropsychology and the School of Specialization in Life Cycle Psychology active in our University.

Graduates of all graduate degree programmes can access the profession of Psychotherapist after qualification obtained through enrolment and passing training courses provided by psychotherapy schools and by the university schools of specialization in the psychology area, including the School of Specialization in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology active in our University, the School of Specialization  in Neuropsychology and the School of Specialization in Life Cycle Psychology active in our University.