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Sciences and techniques of preventive and adaptive motor activity


Domestic applicants
International applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-67 (Sport science for prevention and rehabilitation)

What is the one-to-one long internship?

The long curricular internship with ECTS is a didactic-professional training experience carried out within a company context with defined and agreed training objectives.

It is different in terms of duration and methods of carrying out compared to the short curricular internships, related to the corresponding course, present in the Graduate Degree in "Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Motor Activities" LM-67.

The long internship represents a key to access the world of work with which the student can also experience the notions learned in the field.
Through the internship in the company, the student can acquire professionalism, facing practical training, in structures that work in areas related to their field of study.

The completion of the long individual internship is the mandatory requirement for the acquisition of 5 University ECTS related to it: these ECTS are necessary for the student to complete the educational course and obtain the Degree.

In order to make the internship experience suitable for the development of professional skills in the work sector more appropriate for the student, it was decided to divide the internship into several Training Areas (AF).

In order to identify 4 macro-areas, the qualifying training objectives were taken into consideration (DM 16/03/2007, L.270/04):

  1. the design and implementation of motor activity programmes aimed at achieving, recovering and maintaining the best conditions of psychophysical well-being for individuals in various age groups and in different physical conditions, with attention to gender specificities;  


  1. the organization and planning of particular activities and lifestyles useful for the prevention of diseases and the improvement of the quality of life through physical exercise;


  1. the prevention of postural defects and post-rehabilitation motor recovery aimed at maintaining physical efficiency;


  1. the planning, coordination and evaluation of motor activities adapted to people with disabilities or to individuals with clinically controlled and stabilized health conditions.


Each student can choose only one area in which to carry out the internship. The following table lists the 4 main areas (macro-areas) in the left column, while the right column lists the sub-macro-areas (maximum 2 per AF), where present, with the names and contacts of the University Tutors of reference, who will start and follow the process necessary for the activation of the internship.


Tutor Name



Carlotta Gambirasio (


Christel Zambon (


Filippo Bertozzi (


Post-rehabilitation motor recovery

Isabella Annoni (


Ester Tommasini (


Neurological disability

Alessandra Venturi ( )

Physical disability

Carolina Gambirasio (

Duration and methods of carrying out the internship

Within the chosen macro-area or sub-macro-area, the student can decide whether to carry out his/her internship in only one area of study or two.
The internship can also be conducted for longer periods by reducing the number of hours per day and/or week, compatibly with the availability of the center where the student carries out the internship, provided that the total number of hours is 120 in total.
The maximum number of students per macro-area is 23, to ensure that all students enrolled in the 1st year of LM-67 of the current academic year have the opportunity to carry out the long individual internship.
If, in a macro-area, more applications are submitted than the places available, the selection of eligible students will take place on the basis of the average grade with which the student presented himself to take the L22 degree exam.
The list of centers available to host students for the long individual internship is sent by email to students by Prof. Galvani and is available for download online.
In order to attend the internship, it is mandatory to have attended the preparatory course relating to the sub-macro-area or macro-area in which the internship is to be activated.

To be included in a macro-area, students must contact Prof. Galvani every year from the end of the lessons communicating:

  • 1° macro-area chosen
  • 2° macro-area choice
  • average grade of admission to the L22 degree exam.

Internships will be scheduled starting from the end of June of the 1st year of LM-67 for the curricular subjects of the 1st year. The other internships can be activated starting from January of the 2nd year of LM-67 (for the curricular subjects of the 2nd year).
Internships cannot be carried out overlapping with class schedules.

How ECTS are awarded
Once the individual long internship has been completed, the student will have to complete a standard final report provided by his/her university tutor.
The internship is registered by Prof. Galvani with an exam dedicated to the second year of LM-67 (INTERNSHIP COORDINATION), only after communication from the Internship Tutor that the entire training process has been completed on the portal.

General information and activation procedure: click here

What is the difference between a curricular internship and an extracurricular internship?

The Curricular Internship with University Training Credits (ECTS) is a period of training in a company that is aimed at university  students regularly enrolled in a course of study, to obtain training ECTS functional to the achievement of the degree.

The extracurricular internship is a period of training in a company that is aimed at graduates, it is generally located in the transition phase between study and work, it is therefore external to a course of study and provides for a mandatory minimum salary that is established by the regional legislation of reference.

Who should I contact to obtain the ECTS of the long individual internship?

The internship, once completed, is recorded by Prof. Galvani with an exam dedicated to the second year of LM-67.

Is it possible to do an internship abroad?

For students who choose to take advantage of the SCIENZE MOTORIE INTERNATIONAL program with the further aim of improving their English, it has been decided to give the opportunity to carry out the long individual internship abroad.

For each individual request (e.g. Isokinetic London) the University Tutor of reference will assess the eligibility for the internship abroad.

Is there financial support (scholarship or reimbursement of expenses) for the long curricular internship?

No, economic support is excluded from the long curricular internship carried out in Italy, if the internship is carried out abroad there are instead forms of economic support

Can the Individual Long Internship be carried out overlapping with class times?

The performance of the long internship does not justify the absence from the lessons, so it must be organized not overlapping with them.

What do I have to do to activate the internship?

The internship is activated ONLY by the university tutor.

Are there any conventions for accommodation?

Not for all locations. We recommend that you contact your university tutors for more information.

What should I write in the final report?

The final report should highlight:

  • What was seen and done in the internship
  • Positives and negatives of the internship

I have finished my internship, what should I do?

In order to record the internship, the following are required:

  • The student's final report, to be sent by e-mail to his/her university tutor
  • The completion of the online questionnaire by the company tutor


How is the internship recorded?

Once the internship has been completed and once the university tutor has received the reports of both the student and the company tutor, for the recording it is necessary to register for the exams of prof. Galvani "internship coordination". Recording takes place on a deferred basis, so it is not necessary to physically show up at the University.

Safety course?

The student-trainee is equivalent to the worker with regard to training obligations in the field of safety. It is therefore the responsibility of the host institution to guarantee the trainee the general training course on safety in the workplace and the course on specific risks - if required - in the workplace. (Legislative Decree 81/2008)

The legislation on safety (Legislative Decree 81/2008) concerns internships with operational headquarters in Italy, for internships with operational headquarters abroad contact Cattolica International.

If the student does not have a Certificate for General Training and if  the host institution does not have the possibility to provide the General Safety Training Course, the student can inform his/her university internship tutor and request enrolment in the online general training course provided by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (duration 4 hours) which -  after passing the assessment test - issues a Certificate of Attendance for general training.

Training on specific risks – if required – can only be provided by the host institution.

To request enrolment in the online General Training Course provided by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, you must send the following information to your university tutor: SURNAME, FIRST NAME, MATRICULATION NUMBER, TAX CODE, INSTITUTIONAL E-MAIL @ICATT.IT