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Faculty of: ECONOMICS

Business and economics law


Domestic applicants
International applicants
3 Years
Degree Classes
L-18 (Business administration)

The programme in a nutshell

Clear ideas on corporate governance

The courses of this programme are meant to deepen four fundamental areas: business economics, mathematics and statistics, economics and law. The aim is to provide in-depth knowledge in the field of taxation and employment law. The study of two foreign languages prepares students to manage relationships with international operators.

Teaching methodology  

The basic knowledge acquired through lectures is deepened in seminars and meetings organized by the Faculty, and subsequently put into practice in the third-year internship.

And then? An expert in economics law

The achievement of the undergraduate degree allows access, after a period of internship, to the State Examination for the exercise of the professions of Accounting Expert (freelance professional registered in section B of the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts), Auditor and Labour Consultant. Graduates will also be able to work in the administration or HR department of companies and institutions.


The specificity of the programme, taught at the Milan campus, is the integration between economic-business training and legal knowledge, which allows students to acquire high skills in the areas of business administration and management responsibility, based on the study of private, public, commercial and tax law.

The programme is structured to deepen problems related to corporate governance, financing, legal management control and business contracts.

The aim of the degree programme in Business and economics law is to train a professional figure able to:

  • carry out business consultancy activities for companies in the commercial, tax and labour fields;
  • hold positions of responsibility within the administrative function and personnel management in companies of different sizes, through the acquisition of skills in the areas of accounting and budgeting, accounting control and administration, analysis of internal control systems;
  • apply national accounting and auditing standards also in professional offices and firms;
  • know the applied functioning of information systems for the management of accounts and financial statements of companies of different sectors and sizes;
  • effectively use two foreign languages, including English (compulsory) and one to be chosen from among French, German and Spanish;
  • address and solve information management problems through the use of IT and telematic tools.

Find out more

The website of the Faculty of Economics