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Cultural Heritage


Domestic applicants
International applicants
3 Years
Degree Classes
L-1 (Cultural heritage)

Programme Structure

With a view to training the most appropriate professional profiles in the field of cultural heritage, the programme provides for the acquisition of knowledge and skills based on a solid humanistic base, which then expand and develop in the specific sectors of archaeological, artistic, performing and archival disciplines. The first year includes historical, philological and literary courses, essential for the acquisition of the method and for the knowledge of the contexts, flanked by courses characterizing the various specific profiles (Archaeological; Historical-artistic; Theatre, cinema, video and rituals; Preservation and management of historical and cultural memories). These are fully developed in the second and third year with an articulated teaching offer intended to expand the wealth of knowledge, refine critical and methodological skills, open up to peculiar professional perspectives, thanks also to the activation of workshops and internships.    


To obtain the undergraduate degree, 180 university credits (ECTS) are required, which are acquired to the extent of about 60 each year with evaluation tests both for the courses and for other supplementary teaching forms. Each exam is awarded a certain number of ECTS, the same for all students, and a grade (expressed in thirtieths) that varies according to the level of preparation. A 6 ECTS course includes an average of about 30 hours of lectures; A course of 12 ECTS includes about 60 ECTS. Courses may be taught according to a semester or annual calendar, as indicated in the timetables on the Faculty Bulletin Board. The final mark is one hundred and tenth.


As part of the optional training activities, which students must indicate when submitting their study plan, combinations of courses have been identified that allow the acquisition of university ECTS in relation to the following curricular profiles:

The Archaeological profile prepares professionals working in the field of archaeology and numismatics in the various sectors of excavations, preventive archaeology, museums, events, publishing and other forms of cultural enhancement and mediation, both in the public and private sectors. The profile allows students to acquire knowledge and skills in the fields of ancient and medieval cultures and societies and in the field of related analysis methodologies (excavations, surveys, scientific investigations), with reference also to the problems of protection, conservation and management of the archaeological heritage. Examples of career opportunities are: operator in archaeological parks and museums, operator in cooperatives or excavation and survey companies, operator in preventive archaeology companies, operator in companies with publishing and communication activities. The undergraduate programme in Cultural Heritage allows immediate access to the graduate programme in Archaeology and History of Art (LM-1 and 89), which in turn, allows access to the Schools of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage (with LM-1) or in Historical-Artistic Heritage (with LM-89), both activated at the Università Cattolica and necessary for competitions for Superintendence posts. With appropriate options in the study plan, the undergraduate programme in Cultural Heritage also allows access to the graduate programme in Modern Philology (LM-14) and provides the title and curricular requirements necessary for admission to the graduate programme in Economics and Management of Art, Culture and Entertainment (LM-76) (admission subject to passing an admission test).

The Historical and Artistic profile prepares professionals working in the field of artistic and monumental heritage in the various sectors of museology, collecting, event organization, the art market, artist archives, publishing and other forms of cultural enhancement and mediation, both in the public and private sectors. The profile allows students to acquire knowledge and skills in the fields of art history from the Middle Ages to the present day and in the field of related methodologies and different critical approaches, with reference also to the issues of protection, conservation, management and enhancement of the artistic, monumental and territorial heritage. Examples of career opportunities include: operator at museums, institutions and companies for exhibitions and cultural events; operator in cooperatives or companies cataloguing and computer management of artistic heritage; operator in companies with publishing and communication activities; operator at art galleries, foundations, archives, photo libraries and auction houses; Operator at cultural tourism companies and guided tours. The undergraduate programme in Cultural Heritage allows direct access to the graduate programme in Archaeology and Art History (LM-1 and 89), which in turn, allows access to the Schools of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage (with LM-1) or in Historical-Artistic Heritage (with LM-89), both activated at the Università Cattolica and necessary for competitions for Superintendence posts. With appropriate options in the study plan, the undergraduate programme in Cultural Heritage also allows access to the graduate programme in Modern Philology (LM-14) and provides the title and curricular requirements necessary for admission to the graduate programme in Economics and Management of Art, Culture and Entertainment (LM-76) (admission subject to passing an admission test).