Info for
Prospective Students
Cattolica Students
International Students
Academic Staff
Institutions, Companies and Professions

Faculty of: ECONOMICS

Economics and management (taught in Italian)


Domestic applicants
International applicants
3 Years
Degree Classes
L-18 (Business administration)

The programme in a nutshell

The skills of the problem solver within a company

Solid knowledge in the field of business enriched by the development of legal and economic skills: these are the essential conditions required in order to able to administer and manage a company. Following a common two-year path, students will have to choose a specific profile among Management, Finance, Marketing, ICT Management and Service Management (focused on the tertiary and commercial services sector and organized in collaboration with the Scuola Superiore del Commercio del Turismo, dei Servizi e delle Professioni - Higher School of Commerce, Tourism, Services and Professions). For those who have to manage both study and work, there will be the opportunity to attend the programme in the afternoon-evening slot.

Teaching methodology

In addition to traditional lectures, the programme includes exercises, analysis of current issues, seminars and meetings with entrepreneurs and representatives of institutions, as well as internships in companies.

And then? Economic and managerial skills at the service of a company

The training acquired allows graduates to get the skills necessary to operate in every functional area of a company: administration, planning of marketing and sales strategies, accounting management, market and investment analysis, corporate communication.



Studying Economics and Management in Milan means aiming at the acquisition of knowledge to invest in the areas of administration and business management.

Business disciplines such as Business Administration, Business Economics and Management, Economics of Credit Companies, Corporate Finance, Business Organization therefore constitute the heart of this degree programme and its various profiles designed according to a logic of interfunctionality. This solid business training is combined with the development of rigorous economic (Political Economy and Applied Economics) and legal (Private Law, Public Law, Commercial Law, Tax and Labour Law) skills.

The programme aims to train a professional figure able to: analyze functions, processes - or parts of them - concerning the most important and critical business areas, marketing and corporate communication, both internal and external; solve, through the acquisition of problem-solving skills, cross-functional problems between the different areas of the company; administer and manage companies, both belonging to general and specific sectors; effectively use two foreign languages, including English (compulsory) and one to be chosen from among French, German and Spanish; address and solve information management problems through the use of IT and telematic tools.

Find out more

The website of the Faculty of Economics