Info for
Prospective Students
Cattolica Students
International Students
Academic Staff
Institutions, Companies and Professions

Faculty of: ECONOMICS

Economics, organizations and markets


domestic applicants
international applicants
3 Years
Degree Classes
L-33 (Economics)

The programme in a nutshell

The study of economic phenomena as a whole

The programme aims to explore issues concerning the economy at a global level: market trends, their relations with the world of companies and institutions. After a common two-year path with economic, legal and statistical-mathematical courses, the programme is divided into three profiles: "Finance and Global Markets", "Markets, Enterprises and Work", "Quantitative Methods for the Economic Sciences".

Teaching methodology

In addition to lectures necessary to acquire the basics and the tools necessary for professional integration, the Faculty organizes meetings and seminars useful for completing personal training.

And then? The figure of the applied economist

There are many employment opportunities in the industry, services and public administration sector with different roles: business economist, international market analyst, money market economist, financial operator on the stock exchange or in other economic institutions.


The aim of the programme is to provide students with the main tools necessary to interpret economic phenomena through the knowledge of the most up-to-date theories, techniques of quantitative analysis and institutional references. The aim stems from the interest in understanding and interpreting global economic phenomena, such as the trend and functioning of markets in relation to companies and institutions.

In particular, the aim is to train a professional figure able to:

  • know the ways in which firms and markets operate, through the analysis of the interactions between the decisions made by individual firms and the functioning of the market in which they operate;
  • make rational decisions on behalf of companies in different economic contexts, such as production sectors, international markets, financial markets and local systems;
  • analyse economic problems from an interdisciplinary perspective through the acquisition of economic, managerial, legal, statistical-mathematical, historical and socio-psychological skills;
  • effectively use two foreign languages, including English (compulsory) and one to be chosen from among French, German and Spanish;
  • address and solve information management problems through the use of IT and telematic tools.

The programme provides the theoretical and analytical tools to understand the functioning of markets, firms and financial institutions, the role of economic policy and its influence on operators' choices and systems.

Find out more

The website of the Faculty of Economics