Info for
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Faculty of: LAW



Domestic applicants
International applicants
5 Years
Degree Classes
LMG/01 (Law)

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Students can access courses after passing an online admission test which includes the Verification of Initial Preparation (VPI), a compulsory test for all students enrolled in the 1st year of an undergraduate or integrated degree programme, aimed at ascertaining the basic knowledge to successfully attend the chosen degree programme.

For this degree programme, the test consists of a series of online multiple-choice questions, lasting a total of 40 minutes, in the following subject area:

  • Knowledge of the Italian language and reading comprehension (30 questions).

The positive outcome of the test is achieved with 50%+1 of the correct answers.

In the event of a negative result or absence from the test, an Additional Educational Obligation (OFA) is assigned to fill the gaps found in one's knowledge.

Students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to view the dedicated section by clicking here.

For this degree programme, the Faculty has determined the following Additional Educational Obligation:

  • "Italian language knowledge and textual comprehension": 12-hour online course, with final assessment.

The student is required to attend the OFA according to the scheduled calendar (see the Newly Enrolled Student Kit of the Faculty of Law). Students who have participated in at least 70% of the scheduled hours are admitted to the final exami of the OFA course.
Passing the final exam entails the fulfilment of the OFA and the possibility of continuing in the chosen university programme without further Additional Educational Obligations. During the first year, there are up to 3 attempts to pass the final exam, without the need to attend the OFA course again.
In case of failure to pass the OFA final exam, the Group Tutor in charge will contact the student in order to support him/her and provide advice for the preparation of the above test.
At the end of the early summer session and/or the summer session of the exams, the professor/lecturer in charge of the degree programme, having evaluated the results of the VPI and the final exams of the aforementioned course, and taking into account any exam of the 1st year passed by the student, may consider the OFA to have been fulfilled.

Otherwise, the student is required to renew his/her enrolment in the first year of the programme as a repeat student.


Cases of exemption from taking the Verification of Initial Preparation
Students from other universities are exempt from taking the VPI only in the event of admission to years subsequent to the 1st one.
Students transferring internally from one Università Cattolica programme to another are exempt from taking the VPI only in the following cases:

  • in the case of admission to years subsequent to the 1st one;
  • in the event that the VPI carried out in the programme of origin is identical to that envisaged in the programme of destination in terms of specificity and number of the thematic areas and of the duration of the same. In this case, the result of the VPI will be retained in the programme of destination and any OFAs assigned in the previous degree programme remain to be filled, if they have not yet been taken.

Students from other universities are exempt from taking the VPI only in the event of admission to years subsequent to the 1st one.
Students transferring internally between Università Cattolica programmes are exempt from taking the VPI only in the following cases:

  • in the case of admission to years subsequent to the 1st one;
  • in the event that the VPI carried out in the programme of origin is identical to that envisaged in the programme of destination in terms of specificity and number of the thematic areas and of the duration of the same. In this case, the result of the VPI will be retained in the programme of destination and any OFAs assigned in the previous degree programme remain to be filled, if they have not yet been taken.

"Reading comprehension (and logic)" questions

At. It is now well known that playing sports is good for your health, but perhaps not everyone knows that it is also very good for the mind and especially for study. A study by Rebecca White, of West Virginia University, reports that practicing physical activity three times a week, not necessarily at a competitive level, improves cognitive abilities and makes young people more receptive and sociable but also more serene and happy, highlighting how important sport is to improve the quality of life.

Which of the following statements would most reinforce the concept expressed by the study?

  • "Mens sana in corpore sano", a motto used today to highlight the importance of physical activity for the body and mind but not in all age groups
  • Sport activity in young people can be a source of distraction from study and therefore affect school performance
  • Young people who regularly practice sports perform better on memory tests, showing greater ability to concentrate and visual-spatial coordination

B.  The best way to please a person is not to do him a favor, but to convince him to do you a favor, this is called the Ben Franklin effect.

Which of the following statements constitutes the implicit logical passage in the passage?

  • The Ben Franklin effect assumes that we often receive pleasures from people who like us
  • The Ben Franklin effect suggests that if we convince a person to do us a favor, that person, by observing their behavior, will have a favorable attitude toward us
  • If someone does you a favor, it means they like you

Questions for "knowledge of the Italian language"


C. Which of the following pronouns is contained in the sentence: Was Piero fascinated by the words spoken a few minutes ago by the one I believe to be the headmaster?

  • Qualifying
  • Demonstrative
  • Indefinite
  • Interrogative

Q. Which of the following adjectives is contained in the sentence: Did Marta really waste a very special job opportunity that happens to few in life?

  • Qualifying
  • Demonstrative
  • Indefinite
  • Interrogative


E. What is the opposite of the word prodigality?

  • Repentance
  • Parsimony
  • Mendicity
  • Exiguity

F. What is the opposite of the word remora?

  • Resistance
  • Approach
  • Immediacy
  • Independence


G. What is the complement of companionship in the sentence, "I rented a house for the summer with some friends from college"?

  • A house
  • For the summer
  • With some friends
  • Of the University

H. What is the complement of limitation in the sentence: "Antonio is very experienced in his work, which he carries out with great passion"?

  • Antonio
  • In his work
  • Who
  • With great passion


- Young people who regularly practice sports perform better on memory tests, showing a greater ability to concentrate and visual-spatial coordination

The Ben Franklin effect suggests that if we convince a person to do us a favor, that person, by observing his or her behavior, will have a favorable attitude toward us

- Demonstration

- Qualifier

- Thrift

F - Immediacy

G - With some friends

H - In your work