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3 Years
Degree Classes
L-10 (Humanities)

Programme Structure

The Undergraduate Programme aims to provide students with a solid basic education in the traditionally fundamental sectors of humanistic culture (philological-literary, linguistic, historical, cultural, artistic), suitably combining it with new knowledge in the areas of communication and contemporary expressiveness, in the perspective of a constant dialogue between ancient and modern and a fruitful interaction between different disciplines and methodologies.
All those enrolled in the programme will receive a common training, transversal to the curricula, particularly in the areas related to the basic disciplines, largely concentrated in the first year of studies. However, in order to avoid generality and to allow an initial in-depth study and the acquisition of more mature investigative tools in one of the areas indicated above, the programme is divided into different curricula and paths, which allow the student to structure a homogeneous, coherent and rational study programme. This differentiation within the undergraduate programme cycle will be progressive, significantly marked in the last year.

Those who have obtained a degree can access the Graduate Programme in Modern Philology (class LM-14, Modern Philology) activated at the Brescia campus according to the conditions set out in the specific call for admission approved annually.

During the two cycles of study it will be possible to acquire the "24 ECTS" necessary to access the competition for the FIT pathway.



To obtain the degree, 180 university credits (ECTS) are required, which are acquired to the extent of about 60 per year with assessment tests both for the courses and for the forms of supplementary teaching (exercises, workshops, etc.). Each subject is awarded a certain number of credits (ECTS), the same for all students, and each exam taken has a grade (expressed in thirtieths) that varies according to the level of preparation.
A 6 ECTS course includes 30 hours of lectures; A 12 ECTS course has 60 credits. Courses may be taught according to a semester or annual calendar, as indicated in the timetables on the Faculty Bulletin Board.
The final mark is one hundred and tenth.


The degree programme is divided into the following profiles:

Through balanced choices within the options allowed by the study plan, it is possible, for students who have an interest in the ancient world, to build a complete and articulated classical profile, which allows them to corroborate their linguistic skills in Greek and Latin, lay solid foundations in the literary, historical, archaeological sectors and orient themselves among the numerous disciplines related to the ancient world, starting to identify lines of interest that can be profitably explored later.

Among the profiles of competence that the student will have the opportunity to outline by building his or her own study plan, the one in Publishing, Communication and Entertainment allows, thanks to targeted options among the characterizing, related and integrative disciplines and the elective courses, to acquire a specific preparation in the fields of publishing, journalism, media, of cinema, theatre and entertainment, grafting it onto a solid humanistic education.
Students who wish to continue their studies after graduation, in addition to the graduate programme in Modern Philology, which remains the natural outlet for all graduates in Humanities, will also find other paths open: from first-level professional graduate programme in one of the areas specified above, to graduate programme in the corresponding fields.


The Philological-Literary profile allows a wide choice of disciplines and highly personalized study plans. The basic knowledge that can be acquired during the course of study can be put to good use in many activities in which extensive expertise in the humanities is required, starting with teaching. However, the wide range of products on offer makes it possible to plan coherent choices that respond both to the student's cultural orientations and to the specific preparation for choices other than teaching.
The philological-literary profile is also the natural path that leads to the graduate programme in Modern Philology and opens the door to the further professional opportunities that it offers, including scientific research.

The Historical, artistic and archaeological profile allows students to develop, on a solid literary and historical basis, skills in the field of cultural heritage with in-depth studies on the archaeological cultures of antiquity and the Middle Ages, on the methodologies of approach to these issues.
The profile allows professional opportunities in the field of protection and enhancement of the archaeological and historical-artistic heritage, the possibility of accessing the graduate programme in Modern Philology, aimed at teaching, or other specific second-level study paths.