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Linguistic sciences


Domestic applicants
International applicants
3 Years
Degree Classes
L-12 (Applied languages)

The programme in a nutshell

Knowing languages: the passport in a society open to intercultural relations

In Milan, for the undergraduate degree programme in Linguistic Sciences, there are two curricula, divided into different profiles:

  1. Applied Foreign Languages (Applied foreign languages)
  • Languages for Business
  • Languages for Communication, Brand and Media Management
  • Languages for Management and Tourism

       2. Languages, Literatures and Communication (Languages, literatures and communication)

  • Languages, Communication, Media and Digital Cultures
  • Foreign Languages and Literatures

Teaching methodology

Lectures are only one of the components of the study cycle: thematic seminars, annual guided and/or self-study language exercises carried out in the classroom or in workshops and individual practical work enrich the offer and promote integration between the linguistic and professional areas.

And then? Access the job with the most in-demand requirement

Graduating in Applied Foreign Languages means becoming a professional in international relations (from a linguistic, economic and also legal point of view) able to deal with the problems of tourism management, of individual companies or institutional realities at regional, national and international level. The choice of the curricular profile allows you to develop a specific professionalism for a targeted entry into the job market as a management technician, an intercultural and international mediator or a business management technician.


The degree programme in Linguistic Sciences has a fundamental linguistic core on which diversified paths are grafted, aimed at responding to the demand of professionals with a linguistic profile who have developed a solid competence in at least two European languages or, in some cases, a European language and a non-European language from a scientific, literary and/or historical-cultural point of view. Such expertise can be used in the economic, business, legal and political fields.
Lectures, thematic seminars, exercises, workshops and internships also encourage dialogue between the various disciplines in a more harmonious integration of the purely linguistic area with the more specifically professional ones.


The profile is designed for those who want to deal with business management: it offers a solid basic economic-legal training that enables them to manage international relations of an Italian or European company, or in the context of market globalization.

The profile is aimed at the management of increasingly important functions within companies, in particular international ones, especially in functions related to corporate communication, brand management and media relations in a scenario strongly characterized by digitization and the centrality of the media.

The profile is aimed at the management of companies operating in the tourism sector at national and international level, with particular attention to functions related to the promotion of the territory, business marketing, linguistic mediation, the organization of events, the resolution of critical issues related to linguistic-cultural aspects. 


The profile is designed to offer technical, theoretical and applied knowledge of the disciplinary sectors typical of communication sciences in their various declinations: journalism, radio, television, advertising.

The profile is aimed at training those who want to use their language skills in the literary, cultural and humanistic fields. In addition to providing a solid literary preparation in the field of the main European literatures, starting with the Italian one, it aims to achieve a broad linguistic competence both on a practical and theoretical-historical level. The profile allows access to teaching-oriented graduate degree programmes or to carry out all activities that involve cultural depth and broad humanistic preparation. In particular, it makes the combination of the general linguistic competence provided by the degree programme with all the functions that imply more or less high degrees of creativity and reflection on texts (literary translation, editorial work, creative writing, etc.) possible. Within the study plan, courses (linguistic or literary) related to the chosen languages of specialization are recommended.



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