Info for
Prospective Students
Cattolica Students
International Students
Academic Staff
Institutions, Companies and Professions




Domestic applicants
International applicants
3 Years
Degree Classes
L-35 (Mathematics)

Other training activities may be recognised in the form of non-compulsory internships, or other activities (such as, for example, conferences, workshops, participation in research activities, language or computer skills courses, experiences abroad, Service Learning, etc.) deemed valid and suitable by the competent teaching structure.

To cover the ECTS, the Faculty advises to make your choice among the following training activities:


To activate the internship, the student must contact the reference tutor in good time (for contact details and office hours see: "Internship tutor references"). It can be the student himself/herself who proposes an internship activity.

The Faculty invites students to consult the ST&P portal (, which is the web-based tool for contacting interested companies for students or recent graduates from all the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore campuses. Students will be able to carry out a targeted online search for profiles corresponding to their specific recruiting needs and respond to advertisements, adequately preparing their covering letter and curriculum vitae.

What is the Internship?

The curricular internship with ECTS, also in the form of an internship, is a teaching-professional training experience carried out within a work context (school, company, workshop) with defined and agreed training objectives. The Internship therefore represents a key to access the job market with which the student can experience the notions learned in the field.

Specific details about the Internship

The internship must have a minimum duration of 30 hours.

The internship is not compulsory: the student can freely choose between activating an internship or carrying out other training activities recognized by the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences.

The internship can also be carried out abroad. For more information see: Programme details → International Experience → Internship.

Attendance is compulsory and the internship is deemed passed if the student:

  1. attended the scheduled hours;
  2. has obtained a positive evaluation from the Company Tutor;
  3. has delivered an adequate final report of the Internship.

The ECTS accrued (6 ECTS) will be recorded under the name "Internship".

Study Plan Codes:

  • MG0822 for the curricula in Mathematics and Computer Science
  • MH8022 for Physics curriculum

Internship Activation Procedure

The identification of the institution is carried out on the basis of a proposal from the student, after ascertaining its congruity with the educational objectives established by the Faculty.

Before starting the Internship, the student must explain to the Internship Tutor the timing, methods, contents and tasks envisaged. Once confirmation has been received from the Tutor, it will be possible to start the activation procedure by requesting the company to fill in the training project on the portal .



In the event that the student carries out work activity pertinent to the training programme undertaken, the Faculty may recognize the same as assimilated to the internship activity.  This activity must have been carried out during the period of university studies, must not have been subject to previous requests for recognition and must not have been carried out in the company of parents or a relative.

Recognition procedure

The student is required to deliver the following documents to the internship tutor:
a) written report by the student about the experience;
b) letter on the company's letterhead (signed by the owner) indicating the duration of the work experience and the tasks performed.

The ECTS accrued (6 ECTS ) will be recorded under the name "Internship".


Internship Tutor References

Curriculum in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science

Dr. Elisa Zanardini
Office hours: by appointment.

A foreign language course promoted by the University Language Center - SeLdA and the possibility to choose among French, Spanish and German.
The ECTS accrued (6 ECTS ) will be registered under the name French Language, Spanish Language or German Language. The exam will be recorded directly by the professor/lecturer of the language course.  

Study plan codes for all curricula:

  • MG0451  French Language and FYR038 (written test)
  • MG1652  German Language and FYR040 (Written Test)
  • MG1258  Spanish Language and FYR039 (Written Test)


A further way of acquiring ECTS related to Other Training Activities is Service Learning Experiences ( Service Learning is a proposal that integrates, in a single training activity, learning and service to the community. Within the Service Learning project, students learn and grow through active participation in a fully organised service that aims to meet the needs of the local community. The activity is coordinated by educational institutions with the community and aims to promote civic responsibility. In particular, for the academic year 2023/2024 the project "Matematica e fisica in gioco / Mathematics and Physics in the game" is active in collaboration with the long-term paediatric wards of the Spedali Civili of Brescia and the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo as well as the project "Sfide invincibili / Invincible Challenges" with the Il Calabrone cooperative. The aim of both projects is to promote mathematical and physical knowledge in lower and upper secondary school students in a pleasant and fun way, through games and interactive activities organized by groups of students of the Faculty.

Professors/lecturers in charge of Service Learning Experiences

Prof. Stefania Pagliara


Prof. Giulia Giantesio


Specific details about Service Learning Experiences

Service Learning is awarded 6 ECTS.

The ECTS accrued (6 ECTS) will be recorded under the name "Service Learning Experiences".

Study plan code:
MGM771 for all curricula


As an alternative to the above, students can enter an activity related to their curricular training, proposing it to the reference tprofessor/lecturer, for prior approval. By way of example, activities such as:

  • Active and confirmed participation in conferences (at least 15 conferences) or seminar cycles. The student will have to write short reports to be delivered to the professor/lecturer;
  • Successful participation in workshops, specialisation courses, summer schools and the like;
  • Participation in activities for the dissemination and promotion of scientific culture organised by the University or Faculty;
  • Broadening a study abroad experience. Those who participate in the Erasmus or the Overseas programmes, in one of the locations affiliated with the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, can accrue the 6 ECTS of the Additional Training Activities through the fruitful attendance of training activities (courses, seminars or workshops), congruent with the chosen study plan, organised by the foreign host university and aimed at the acquisition of professionalising skills both in the field of teaching and in the various possible areas of application (economic, financial, statistical, informatics, etc.). The student is required to propose in advance to the reference professor/lecturer the activities he/she intends to follow and the relative number of hours, in order to make a prior assessment of the suitability of the same. The student is required to deliver to the reference professor/lecturer the certificate issued by the host university, which shows the successful attendance of the proposed activities.


Specific details on the Additional Training Activities

Additional training activities are awarded 6 ECTS.

The ECTS accrued (6 ECTS) will be recorded under the name "Additional training activities".

Study Plan Codes:

  • MGQ779 for Mathematics and Computer Science curricula
  • MHQ779 for Physics curriculum


Professor/lecturer in charge of additional training activities

Curriculum in Mathematics and Computer Science
Prof. Mauro Spera
email: for specific details on the Additional Training Activities.

Curriculum in Physics
Prof. Fausto Borgonovi
email: for specific details on the Additional Training Activities.