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Media Languages


Domestic applicants
international applicants
3 Years
Degree Classes
L-20 (Communication)

Programme Structure


In addition to the traditional lectures, the teaching methods also include seminars, exercises, laboratories and internships. The forms of verification favour the examination in the form of an oral interview or a written test, but may also include specific methods in relation to the characteristics of the supplementary activities specifically provided for in the profiles.

The degree programme is divided into a common first year where the basic skills of the programme are acquired, in particular those related to linguistic, sociological, mass-media disciplines and humanistic knowledge such as literature, history, art history and classical culture. Starting from the second year, the training process is structured according to two complementary objectives. On the one hand, to integrate common skills, thanks to the contribution of psychosocial, philosophical and economic disciplines; on the other hand, to graft onto this common area specific skills and languages related to different communication professions through the proposal of some recommended profiles. The attention to the professionalizing component, typical of this degree programme, is also present in the laboratories and in the internship. 


To obtain the undergraduate degree, 180 university credits (ECTS) are required, which are acquired to the extent of about 60 each year with evaluation tests both for the courses and for other supplementary teaching forms. Each exam is awarded a certain number of ECTS, the same for all students, and a grade (expressed in thirtieths) that varies according to the level of preparation. The final mark is one hundred and tenth.

Curricular profile

The profile prepares the student for professions related to the world of communication and information, to the strategic analysis of communication and to the design, management and evaluation of communication processes in complex organizational contexts. The courses aim to provide skills in traditional and digital media, with particular attention to the cultural aspects of information professionalism and journalistic practice. Examples of these professions include all roles involved in the management of internal and external communication processes within organisations (press office, house organ, internal relations support and coordination) and communication agencies (media analysis, management of social networks, data research, organisation of transmedia communication campaigns, digital content management) and all editorial activities and journalistic functions. also in the audiovisual and digital sectors. The university specializing master's programmes recognized by the National Order of Journalists are oriented towards the journalistic profession, such as in particular the Master - School of Print, Radio and Television and Multimedia Journalism organized by the Graduate School of Media, Communications and Performing Arts of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

The profile prepares professionals working in the field of production and promotion, management and analysis of all forms of audiovisuals, including content for new media platforms. It aims to develop, also thanks to a background of historical and theoretical knowledge, the ability to evaluate, manage and promote the audiovisual product in its various formats. Examples of these professions are all figures related to audiovisual production, the organization of the radio and television industries, market research and analysis, critical and popular writing in the media and for the media.

The profile prepares professionals who work in the field of conception, production and promotion of events, live entertainment and face-to-face communication. To be strengthened in this profile are above all knowledge and skills related to the languages and forms of the show, dramaturgy and direction, live communication, image promotion and organization and management of events. Examples of professional opportunities are figures working in the fields of project management, organization of events, festivals and cultural events; the promotion of the territory, also from a social and community point of view; theatrical production and distribution; finally, figures related to communication such as press officer, critic, publicist and operator in the publishing sector.

The profile prepares the student for professions related to analysis and evaluation, conception and production, management and organization in advertising communication. Particular emphasis is placed here on strategic analysis and product marketing skills. Examples of these professions include productive roles in advertising communication (conception of concepts and campaigns; writing of subjects, story-boards, etc.), roles involved in the management of communication processes inside and outside organizations (press office, house organ), research and study activities in the field of advertising communication and marketing.