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Medicine and Surgery


Admissions and enrolment
6 Years
Degree Classes
LM-41 (Medicine)

Call for Medicine and Surgery 2024/25

For the academic year 2024/25, a public competition is announced for access to the first year of the integrated degree programme in Medicine and Surgery (class LM-41) fully delivered in English

Bando Medicine and surgery 2024_25 Allegato dr 10424.pdf
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CALL FOR COMPETITION for a.y. 2024/25 (ITA)

The places available for admission to the first year of Medicine and Surgery for a.y. 2024/25 are*:

  • 30 places for EU candidates (EU citizens residing anywhere and non-EU citizens residing in Italy);
  • 70 places for non-EU candidates (non-EU citizens residing abroad). For candidates belonging to the quota of places reserved for non-EU citizens, the test will be held remotely.

In the event of dual nationality, one of which is Italian or of another EU country, it takes precedence over non-EU citizenship and the candidate must apply for the EU quota of places.

*The number of places on offer may be subject to change following the M.U.R. decrees programming the places available for enrolment for the academic year 2024/25.

Consult the competition notice to find out the access criteria, the contents, and how the entrance exam will be administered.

APPLY NOW (for Italian Diploma holders)

To participate in the admission test, you must register and pay the application fee no later than 22 February 2024. Late registrations or payments made after this deadline will not be accepted.

For information or support in applying to the test, please contact:

To participate in the admission test, you must register and pay the application fee no later than 22 February 2024. Late registrations or payments made after this deadline will not be accepted.

APPLY NOW (for holders of Non-Italian Qualifications)

For information or support in applying to the test, please contact:

The admission test, in English, is scheduled for 18 March 2024 in presence, in computer-based and multi-session mode, at test centres in Italy and abroad. The University reserves the right to activate additional sessions on 19 March 2024 should it become necessary due to the number of participants. Following the registration procedure, each candidate selects the venue (Italian or foreign) where he/she intends to take the test from the list proposed by the University and until availability for each venue is exhausted.

The test consists of 65 multiple-choice questions divided in:

  • 2 of general culture
  • 20 of logical reasoning
  • 18 of biology
  • 12 of chemistry
  • 8 of physics and mathematics
  • 5 of ethical-religious culture

At the end of the test, each candidate must answer further 7 questions in 7 minutes automatically assigned by the test platform (one for each subject). These "reserve" questions will NOT count towards the assessment of the test unless, after the scheduled test sessions have been held, an anomaly emerges in one or more questions in each subject that leads to their cancellation.

Only in this case, once the criticality has been ascertained, will the University consider neutralising it and replacing it with the reserve question relating to the same subject, in order to guarantee the objectivity of the assessments and equal treatment of candidates.

The test lasts maximum 65 minutes (plus 7 minutes for reserve questions).  A maximum score of 65 (sixty-five) points is allocated for the evaluation of the test according to the following criteria:

  • 1 point for each correct answer
  • minus 0.25 points for each wrong answer
  • 0 points for each answer not given

The minimum score required to be eligible for the degree programme must be no less than 20 points out of 65. Those who are placed in the corresponding ranking list in order of places available are admitted to the programme.

The specific prerequisites for the Medicine and Surgery programme include knowledge of the English language demonstrated by a certification at a level no lower than B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


  1. The list of certifications admitted is expressly indicated in the competition notice (art. 8 Enrolment)
  2. This list is final as regards the type of certifications admitted and the minimum mark required for each
  3. Certifications that are not among those listed in the notice of competition are in no way taken into consideration
  4. The language certificate must be presented upon enrolment in the degree programme, but is not necessary for participation in the test.

Only candidates who have completed their full secondary school course in English may be exempted from producing the language certificate. In this case, the candidate, upon enrolment, must produce appropriate certification of the language in which the course of study was conducted.

Once the test application fee has been paid, you can access the TEST Simulator platform free of charge via your registration profile.

The simulator can be used indefinitely by each registered candidate: it contains an archive of approximately 3,000 questions administered by the University in previous years and made available for purely practice purposes.

Questions administered on the day of the test are not extracted from the simulator.

In order to support candidates along the preparation path for the admission test, the University organises specific preparation courses delivered remotely during the competition registration period.

Visit Università Cattolica official web page and discover the formula that best suits your needs.

Places are limited and allocated in chronological order of enrolment.

Admission test preparation courses A.Y. 2024/25

Description Deadline


From 17 October 2023 to 22 February 2024

Applications for additional time and/or compensatory measures for SLD/disabilities

From 17 October 2023 to 22 February 2024

Admission test calls

From 12 March 2024

Admission test

18 March 2024 (subject to additional sessions on 19 March 2024)

Test results

From 26 March 2024 (EU quota)

From 2 April 2024 (non-EU quota)


By 14 April 2024


From 1 July to 6 September 2024




From 17 October 2023 to 22 February 2024


Applications for additional time and/or compensatory measures for SLD/disabilities


From 17 October 2023 to 22 February 2024


Admission test calls


From 12 March 2024


Admission test


18 March 2024 (subject to additional sessions on 19 March 2024)


Test results


From 26 March 2024 (EU quota)

From 2 April 2024 (non-EU quota)




By 14 April 2024




From 1 July to 6 September 2024


If you are a candidate with a foreign diploma or enrolled in a school providing a foreign qualification, please follow the procedures provided by the International Admissions Office.

For information or support

For information or support with test registration, please contact: