Info for
Prospective Students
Cattolica Students
International Students
Academic Staff
Institutions, Companies and Professions

Faculty of: EDUCATION

Primary teacher education


Domestic applicants
International applicants
5 Years
Degree Classes
LM-85 bis (Education)

What is an Internship

The internship is an "open field of didactic research" and a "space for reflection" where the professional action observed and exercised is configured as a practice endowed with meaning and significance in relation to the situation. The programme is defined by objectives that integrate, enrich, verify theoretical learning and also constitutes an opportunity for training experiences planned on the contingency of events. The relationship between internship as a place where knowledge anticipates action and internship as a place of reflection, allows the emergence of experiential knowledge. In teacher training, the internship is the welding element between the construction of theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge.


The structure of the internship

Internship tutor contacts

Internship contact person
Organizing tutor: Alessandro Sacchella (
Office hours: via Trieste 17, Second floor West Wing

Q1 - a.y. 2022/23
Office hours: via Trieste 17, Second floor West Wing
Organizing tutor: Calabria Caterina (
Staff Tutor coordinators:
Bernardelli Daniela, Loda Margherita, Righettini Cristian, Roveglia Margherita, Trivelli Elena 

Q2 - a.y. 2022/23
Office hours: via Trieste 17, Second floor West Wing
Organizing tutor: Mutti Alessia (
Staff Tutor coordinators:
Arrighi Monica, Giarin Laura, Mombelli Marco, Perani Angelica, Pezzotti Mariangela 

Q1/T2  - a.y. 2022/23
Organizing tutor: Alessandro Sacchella (

Q3 - a.y. 2022/23
Office hours: via Trieste 17, Second floor West Wing
Organizing tutor: Loda Elena (
Staff Tutor coordinators:
Alari Barbara, Castelli Raffaele, D'Anna Andrea, Motta Ljanka, Segala Fiammetta, Signorini Silvia

Q4 - a.y. 2022/23
Office hours: via Trieste 17, Second floor West Wing
Organizing tutor: Giuseppini Scipilliti (
Staff Tutor coordinators:
Biatta Stefania, Dente Patrizia, De Michiel Mara, Rizzardi Monica, Sacchella Barbara 


Internship Specific Details

Specific duration of internship years
T1 (second year of the programme) = 125 h (direct, indirect, online)
T2 (third year) = 125 h (direct, indirect, online)
T3 (fourth year of the programme) = 175 h (direct, indirect, online)
T4 (fifth year of the programme) = 175 h (direct, indirect, online)

Compulsory nature of the internship
The internship is mandatory for ALL students.
There is a course for attending students and one for working students in possession of a work contract.

N° ECTS assigned to the internship
For T1 and T2, 5 ECTS are awarded respectively
For T3 and T4 7 ECTS are awarded respectively

Registration of the Internship
At the end of each year of internship, the approval of the ECTS attributed to each year of the programme through the electronic recording system (EVS) is required.

Year-end report
At the end of T1, T2, T3, an Internship report will be drawn up in order to reconstruct the path taken during the school/academic year, in a reworking/reflective key, highlighting the learnings aimed at professionalization, based on the objectives and formats in use in the different years.

T4-specific Internship Final Report.
The final Internship report consists of a paper of maximum 60 pages, excluding attachments, which presents and critically examines the professional skills acquired during the Internship training course.
A part of the report will refer to the projects developed in kindergarten and primary school over the years, highlighting and motivating the most significant aspects of these educational paths. A part will be dedicated to one's professional learning biography which consists of a reasoned and reflective reconstruction of the entire internship path. The skills acquired and put to the test in the classroom are narrated and supported by documents and arguments, aimed at proving and justifying them.
The Internship report, in its operational and field experience parts, can offer inspiration for the application part (project, case study) of the degree thesis, depending on the type of thesis itself.
The report is prepared by the trainee student under the guidance of the coordinating tutor/organizer of the fifth year of the Degree Programme in Primary Teacher Education (T4), to which the student has been assigned.
The discussion of the final Internship paper takes place in front of a Commission made up of three tutors (an organizer and two coordinators), on this occasion a maximum of 3 points can be assigned out of the 10 provided for four-year or integrated five-year/six-year degree programme.


Internship activation procedure

For information and activations





Who should I contact to obtain ECTS?
ECTS are awarded on the basis of the evaluation of the internship with respect to the year of attendance and are automatically uploaded after registration on the student's career.

Is it possible to do an internship abroad?
It is possible, it must be integrated with part of the Internship to be carried out in Italian Kindergartens and Primary Schools.

Is there financial support (scholarship or reimbursement of expenses) for the curricular internship?
No financial support is provided.

Is it always possible to interrupt the internship?
If the internship is interrupted, the student is required to make up for it according to the instructions of the Tutors.

Is it possible to replace the internship with an elective exam?
Under no circumstances is it possible to replace the internship with an elective exam.

How do I know when internship activities start?
By checking the calendar published on the website, under "course programmes and timetables", entering the name of the Tutor organizing the year.

What are the requirements to be considered a working student?
Be in possession of a contract that certifies a work commitment of at least 12 hours per week. For workers in kindergarten and primary school, the contract or contracts must/must cover at least 90 days during the school year at the same time as the Internship.
For NON-school workers, the contract must have a commitment of at least 12 hours per week for 180 days during the academic year at the same time as the Internship.

How do I request access to the workers' path?
It is necessary to contact the Tutor organizing your year and submit the application by the end of October, filling in and delivering to the same Tutor the appropriate form with a photocopy of the employment contract attached, in which the beginning and end of the employment relationship and the weekly number of working hours are clear.

Can I be exempted from the internship?
The following are exempt from internship activities following a specific request through the appropriate form to the Tutor organizing their year:
- teachers hired on a permanent basis in state kindergartens and primary schools;
- teachers hired on a permanent basis in kindergartens and primary schools, provided that, at the time of submitting the application, they have completed two years of effective and continuous service in the same school;
- teachers hired on a permanent basis in municipal kindergartens.
The exemption concerns only the order of school in which you work and limited to T1 and T2.

How do I request access to the workers' path?
It is necessary to contact the Tutor Organizer of your year and submit the application by the end of October, filling in and delivering to the same Tutor the appropriate form with a photocopy of the employment contract attached, in which the beginning and end of the employment relationship and the weekly number of working hours are clear.