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Sciences for social work


3 Years
Degree Classes
L-39 (Social Work)

Novella Monteverdi

Novella Monteverdi

Social Worker at the Extraordinary Reception Center of Guardamiglio (LO)
Asylum Seekers Area

The university years were very meaningful for me. If I could go back, I would still choose the degree program in Sciences for Social Work! In recent years I have had the opportunity to meet teachers who are passionate about their work and have allowed me to discover the profession of Social Worker. In addition, every year, thanks to the internships and internships, I had the opportunity to get involved and experience in the field what I studied in books.

These were years that enriched me and during which I grew professionally and personally.


Federica Vezzoli

Federica Vezzoli

Social Worker at the REI Service and Measures to Combat Poverty, District of Gallarate (VA)

The undergraduate degree programme in Sciences for Social Work turned out to be a great choice!

I was able to carry out several internships (with people in poverty, with adults in difficulty and with immigrant women) which gave me the opportunity to get involved, grow both personally and professionally and become more aware of my limits.

My job as a social worker allows me to build meaningful relationships with the people I meet and to collaborate with different services in the area. Working with people in situations of poverty and being able to give them my contribution excites me and makes me more passionate about this profession every day!


Giulia Belfiore

Giulia Belfiore

Social Worker at the Municipality of Locate di Triulzi, Family and Minors Area
Social Worker at the Municipality of Rozzano, Juvenile Penal Area

The degree course in Sciences for Social Work was for me an opportunity for personal growth, a true discovery of myself, my limits and my potential.

I had the opportunity to live the university life in a serene way, meeting people who allowed me to experiment and become more and more interested in the topics addressed. I had the opportunity to experience first-hand what I studied theoretically thanks to the various internships and internships provided by the course.

I am proud of my daily work as a social worker as it allows me to continue learning new things, meeting different people, different points of view and food for thought and growth both personally and professionally. I am happy with my university choice and proud of my profession as it offers me the opportunity to accompany families, children and young people on a path of improvement and be a help to them.


Marta Salata

Social Worker at the Senior Emergency Service of Sarezzo (BS), LaVela Cooperative

The degree course in Sciences for Social Work represented for me a choice against the tide and a path of great educational and personal growth.

Through internships you enter and immediately get to know the world of social work, a world full of challenges and curiosity. Several problems encountered have allowed me to grow on different aspects, especially on the importance that the relationship of trust has in being able to help others, always remembering that each of us is full of potential and it is precisely the Social Worker who must help the person to look for these potentials that are only temporarily hidden.


Marco Grassini

Social Worker
Graduate degree student in Social Work and Services for Families, Minors and Communities Unicatt Milan

The degree programme in Sciences for Social Work represented a continuous discovery for me: I got to know the world of social work and I got to know myself!

After my undergraduate degree programme, thanks to the curiosity and passion communicated by the teachers, I decided to continue my studies and obtain a graduate degree. This allows me, in addition to living in another city, to meet young people from all over Italy and discuss with them every day about our profession and to refine the knowledge acquired.

The graduate degree programme provides me with the tools to cope with the curiosity that the social world stimulates in me every day!


Camilla Lauro

Social worker of the social cooperative Il Pellicano in Brescia

I am in charge of the coordination of the SAD service and other specific tasks of the social worker.

The degree programme in Sciences for Social Work has been a source of new discoveries and personal growth for me.

The topics covered during the lectures and workshops were very interesting, at different times they promoted the development of my critical thinking. The internship in a nursing home, in a family counseling center and with young parents led me to strongly believe in the profession of social worker. I like people and their stories. I am very proud of the path I have taken and the profession I do.

I recommend everyone who wants to engage in society to attend this degree program.


Beatrice Castellucchio

Assistente Sociale at Cooperativa sociale
Asylum seekers and international protection area

The degree course in Sciences for Social Work has always been a surprise for me: I had enrolled in a closed box, without having much awareness of what it meant to be and be a social worker. The most interesting part of the course from my point of view were the workshops and experiences that the university gave me the opportunity to live. I began to understand the profession thanks to the direct confrontation with the Professors, the testimonies that were proposed to me and the concrete and real examples of working with people.

Working in the area of welcoming asylum seekers has always been very stimulating. I think it's a complex and varied world, sometimes difficult but always fascinating. Knowing people's stories enriches me and at the same time invests me with an enormous responsibility: the encounter with suffering is delicate and professional knowledge is not enough; A great human closeness is needed.

Specifically, I deal with the accompaniment to autonomy of the applicants present in the communities. I interface with local networks and volunteer groups.


Sophie Baccarin

Social Worker at Centro di Accoglienza Straordinaria (VB)
Cooperativa Versoprobo, C.A.S Toce, Gravellona Toce

The CAS where I work is responsible for offering assistance and support to asylum seekers through personalized paths that aim at integration.

The degree course in Sciences for Social Work has been an experience of great growth for me as it has allowed me to learn a lot and get to know new realities. During the years of the programme I have always met very competent and helpful teachers, the courses embrace a plurality of disciplines such as to ensure a preparation on different fronts. I had the opportunity to carry out internships in different realities and this, in addition to being an opportunity for great growth, allowed me to confront myself with reality and understand if my choice was really the right one for me.

My work as a social worker is very exciting, I work every day in contact with people and together we think about how to deal with the different challenges they encounter. I am happy to be a social worker, because through help I feel I can contribute to change.