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Tourism sciences and territory development


3 Years
Degree Classes
L-15 (Tourism)

Programme Structure

The three-year programme, although endowed with professionalizing characteristics, thanks to its pragmatic character and oriented to the professional outlet obtained with internships also abroad, prepares for the in-depth profiles of the graduate degrees in Planning and Management of Tourism Systems (LM 49) and in Information and Publishing Systems (LM 19). To this end, the training provided by the degree programme is based on some areas of knowledge that - if considered in an integrated way - provide the future professional with the keys to interpret and manage the dynamics of a complex economic sector such as tourism:

  • Areas of linguistic knowledge
  • Areas of juridical-economic knowledge
  • the areas of cultural knowledge (territory, society, art, communication).

 The specificity of the preparation provided by the programme is linked to the achievement of competences, knowledge and skills within the following objectives:

  1. attention to the structure and economics of companies, with reference to the problems of communication and quality of the offer in the current context of globalized market and high competitiveness between the major national and world tourist regions
  2. specific attention to the enhancement of territorial resources, understood as a factor of attractiveness of tourist flows to be declined on the basis of the changing needs of consumption by the market, linked both to the physical and landscape specificities of the natural environment, and to the cultural heritage, tangible and intangible, matured over the centuries through the evolution of local identities
  3. adequate preparation in communication tools, from languages oriented to tourism communication, to technological and IT means for the processing of data concerning the tourist phenomenon, in economic and territorial interpretation, in communication to the market and to companies using services.

 Graduates will be able to effectively use, in written and oral form, at least two modern languages of the European continent, in addition to Italian, used in the specific field of tourism and will be able to use the main IT and digital communication tools.

The programme is composed of a single profile.


To obtain the degree, 180 university credits (ECTS) are required, which are acquired to the extent of about 60 per year with assessment tests, both for the courses and for the forms of supplementary teaching (exercises, laboratories, etc.). Each subject is awarded a certain number of credits (ECTS), the same for all students, and each exam taken has a grade (expressed in thirtieths) that varies according to the level of preparation. Each credit includes, within the reference course, 5 hours of lectures. Courses may be taught according to a semester or annual calendar, as indicated in the timetables on the Faculty Bulletin Board. The final exam is evaluated in one hundred and tenths. It can consist of a production of a dossier of articles or a journalistic investigation, carried out in the press or as a television or radio reportage.


In addition to the traditional lectures, the teaching methods also include seminars, exercises, workshops and internships, meetings with entrepreneurs, managers and professionals in the sector and other forms of teaching aimed at developing analytical skills. The ongoing assessment favours the examination in the form of an oral interview or a written test, but may also include specific methods in relation to the characteristics of the supplementary activities and practical exercises.

The didactic path includes the constant use of online platforms, where the student can find the supplementary teaching material and all the further references and contacts for the in-depth study of the content of the courses and for the preparation of exams.