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Knowledge transfer

Innovation and Sustainability: these requirements increasingly characterise the European research system and are characterised by the ability to transform scientific advances and technological achievements resulting from research into industrial and commercial successes, without in any way sacrificing the originality and independence of the research work.

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is moving in this direction and, in accordance with its institutional aims, contributes to the development of scientific research and the preparation of young people for applied research and technological innovation, supports and encourages the exploitation of the results of research produced within its structures and organises and promotes activities aimed at fostering the broadest possible relationships between the University and the world of work.

The approval of the Regulation on spin-offs and patents, technical and procedural support available to professors/researchers for the exploitation and technological transfer of results, is a concrete step to facilitate the achievement of the objectives described.

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University Regulations on Spin-offs and Inventions

Università Cattolica, through the University's Spin-Off Organisational Unit, supports and encourages the innovative and inventive activities of professors/researchers. Any invention/innovation that is deemed to be the subject of an exclusive right is covered by the Regulation on spin-offs and patents.

Patents are the means by which we try to respond to the need to protect innovation. The legal system gives the inventor the right of exclusive use of the invention for a certain period of time (commonly 20 years). Once the patent has been made, only the owner will be able to use the patent to the exclusion of all other subjects.

The University is the holder of 23 patents both nationally and internationally with specific coverage in Italy, the USA, the UK and other European countries. Patent activity mainly related to the medical sciences area with protection both in the pharmaceutical field and in relation to devices and technological supports aimed at facilitating assistance and diagnostic activities.
The patents that have already been published can be found on the Espacenet website.

The Spin-off is a tool that allows the professor/researcher to use the results achieved in research for productive purposes through the establishment of a corporation. The University encourages and supports the establishment and development of these initiatives.

Corporations incorporated as mentioned above can be of two types:

  1.  University spin-offs , in which the University participates as a partner and for which it may make available a series of resources and/or services to facilitate their start-up and initial development.
  2.  Academic spin-offs , in which the University does not participate as a partner but for which it may make available a series of resources and/or services to facilitate their start-up and initial development.

The university spin-off companies of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore:

University Spin-off Organisational Unit

Largo Francesco Vito, 1, Rome 00168 - II Floor Ex Collegio Ioanneum
Phone: 06 3015 6099

ConLab is the coworking space of Università Cattolica: a place dedicated exclusively to self-entrepreneurial activities. The project, born within the University Innovation Centre (ILAB), aims to promote the culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, exploiting new learning models and stimulating an interdisciplinary approach.

Go to the ConLab website
