Webinar | 13 gennaio

Raids and rituals?

Reopening of Early Medieval Graves

6th International Meeting – Barbarian Archaeology
International meeting

H 9:00
Greeting and Introduction to the workshop
Daniel WINGER, Edeltraud ASPÖCK, Caterina GIOSTRA

Reopening Graves in the Early Middle Ages
Alison KLEVNÄS, Stockholm University

Grave robbery? A study on reopened graves from Merovingian times near Regensburg, Bavaria
Stephanie ZINTL, Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

Interacting with the Dead. Grave reopening practices in early medieval Gaul
Astrid NOTERMAN, Stockholm University

Grave reopening in Transylvania in the 5th-7th centuries. An overview
Alpar DOBOS, National Museum of Transylvanian History, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The reopening of graves in 6th century cemeteries in Austria
Edeltraud ASPÖCK, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften - Wien

H 14.15
Whodunnit? Some remarks on (un)disturbed graves from Szólád
Daniel WINGER, Universität Rostock

First considerations on the reopening of Lombard culture burials in Italy
Caterina GIOSTRA, Caterina VERGINE, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Ileana MICARELLI, Cambridge University

The violation of graves in the early medieval legislations
Frank SIEGMUND, University of Münster

Disturbing the Dead in Lombard Laws and Legal Thought, from the Seventh to Twelfth Centuries
Thom GOBBITT, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften - Wien

Reopened graves in early medieval Balkan communities. First considerations about Komani cemetery in Albania
Etleva NALBANI, CNRS/UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée - Paris
Jocelyne DESIDERI, University of Geneva

A look beyond the box: Iron Age Grave Manipulations
Melanie AUGSTEIN, University of Leipzig

Plundering and Reusing Tombs in Late Antiquity
Cristina MURER, University of Bern


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13 gennaio 2023


9.00 am


Platform Zoom

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