
Faculty of: ECONOMIA

Economics and Management


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3 Years
Degree Classes
L-18 (Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale)

The programme in a nutshell

For an economy “at the service of mankind”

The English Undergraduate Degree in Economics and Management offers an education which deals with four main fields: Economics, Law, Mathematics/Statistics and Business. Tradition and values of this Faculty and the background of the academic staff ensure the quality and completeness of the programs. The teaching calendar is organized in three quarters (Fall, Winter and Spring terms).

Teaching approach

Traditional frontal lectures are essential to develop a solid groundwork: for this reason attendance is strongly recommended. The course is enriched  by traineeship and meetings with economists, enterprisers and managers.

Career prospects

Students can apply for a graduate program or enter the job market with two different opportunities: managerial roles in international-oriented companies (administration, marketing and sales, finance, HR) or professional careers in international and transnational institutions.



The Bachelor Degree in Economics and Management blends rigor and value, namely, the scientific rigor of one of the best faculties of economics based on its academic staff, the seriousness of study, and the quality and completeness of its programs. Through teaching and research, and its long tradition, the School emphasizes the value of an economy "at the service of mankind".

This degree offers an education that balances a core curriculum drawing on a range of independent and inter-related disciplines, and a series of courses that are tailored to understand and keep the pace with a continuously changing world. Students are trained in the fields of Economics, Law, Mathematics/ Statistics and Business.

With the support of teaching assistance, stage, job placement services, and experience abroad, the students will be fully prepared to meet the current and future demands of a competitive job marketand business world. The English Udergraduate Degree in Economics and Management is aimed at offering the students a learning experience according to the most diffused international standards. The English-taught class enables us to recruit students from different countries. A diverse and multicultural class will enrich the students’ learning process. Teachers (professors, lecturers) have a strong academic background and most of them record teaching and research experience in some of the world’s best universities. The teaching calendar is organized in three quarters (Fall, Winter and Spring terms). The programs provide students with a solid understanding of the international economic and financial system and strong managerial skills.


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