
Faculty of: PSICOLOGIA



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Admissions and enrolment
3 Years
Degree Classes
L-24 (Scienze e tecniche psicologiche)

Internships are a key to enter the professional world through which you can experiment "in the field" concepts learnt, and assess your real motivation with respect to a professional role. Internships are an opportunity for professional and personal growth to complete and improve your study career, and complement your classroom learning process and individual study. 

Hence, internships are intended as a period of experience that allows students to verify the link between knowledge acquired at university and its application in individual organisations. 

Università Cattolica understands the value of this tool, includes it in most of its study programmes and awards credits towards the achievement of the degree. 

Credit awarding-schemes and number vary according to the provisions of the specific Faculties and Degree Programmes.