
Scadenza iscrizioni: 31 ottobre 2024

Facoltà di: Medicina e Chirurgia

Laser dentistry


Anno accademico 2023/2024

Lingua English

Tipologia Master Master di II livello

Frequenza Full time - Distance learning


To apply, students must, under the penalty of being excluded from the selection process, complete THE ONLINE APPLICATION FORM
1. Register on «sistemi di iscrizione on-line» as «student», activate your personal account with the link that you will receive in your e-mail address (for a temporary fiscal code, you may calculate it on- line)
2. Open the link that you received and create your password, sign in to Portale iscrizioni and Complete your personal data
3. Click on ISCRIZIONE CONCORSI and select the specializing master(s) you want to apply for then on Click on «avanti» after having completed.
4. Confirm your personal data, if correct. (for student with disabilities: upload the «Declaration of invalidity»)
5. Educational Background: Select «titolo straniero»: fill out only the area Titolo di studio: select the qualification title, data conseguimento: awarded date of the           degree was (day/month/year), Voto/Final mark
6. Upload the following documents, (pdf format):

  • Valid identification document (passport for extra-EU applicants)
  • Curriculum Vitae

One of these documents:

  • Declaration of Value with Transcript of Records
  • Diploma Supplement (only EU degree)
  • Statement of Comparability (CIMEA)

7. To Upload a new document, select «si» and «avanti» select the type and the description of the document that you want upload. When you complete the upload, check if everything is correct
If the payment is requested (only for few courses) in italian «pagamenti» click on «fattura».


For support write to segreteria.scuolespecializzazione-rm@unicatt.it


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