
Scadenza iscrizioni: 31 ottobre 2024

Facoltà di: Medicina e Chirurgia

Laser dentistry


Anno accademico 2023/2024

Lingua English

Tipologia Master Master di II livello

Frequenza Full time - Distance learning

Those admitted can proceed with the enrollment following the online procedure by entering, as for admission, the online enrollment system  Sistema di iscrizioni on line  in Rome.  


The documents to be submitted are as follows:


Graduates abroad at the time of enrollment must also submit one of these documents

  • Declaration of value of your degree (‘Dichiarazione di Valore in loco – DV’), issued by the competent Italian diplomatic authorities (Embassies and Consulates) of the country in which your degree was awarded; Please note in the declaration must be clarified how your degree is placed in the Italian system or which courses in the Italian system you can attend
  • Statement of Comparability by the Cimea Service  

The documentation must be sent, in a single pdf format file, email to  segreteria.scuolespecializzazione-rm@unicatt.it by the date indicated in the Merit Ranking (or in the admission email you will receive), including  in the subject  your Name, Surname and name  of the Master.

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