
Scadenza iscrizioni: 31 ottobre 2024

Facoltà di: Medicina e Chirurgia

Laser dentistry


Anno accademico 2023/2024

Lingua English

Tipologia Master Master di II livello

Frequenza Full time - Distance learning

The first registration fee payment must be made following the publication of the list of the admitted candidates .
The participation fee is € 6.400 of which 400 as contribution for selection tests.

This fee grants the right to receive the diploma certificate. Any other additional secretarial documentation and certificates will be charged to the candidate.
The Master course registration fee must be paid as follows:
First installment at registration, € 3.500.
Second and final installment, within May 31, 2024 - € 2.500.

A 10% discount will be applied to applicants who have previously participated in the advanced training course entitled 'Advanced Proficiency Diode Laser' held at the Headquarters.

Following the registration it will be possible to access the student’s ICATT personal page at the following address: https://icatt.unicatt.it

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